1999 GT-T Caldina standard boost pressure?

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1999 GT-T Caldina standard boost pressure?

Postby strx7 » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:57 pm

What is the std boost for a 1999 ST215 GT-T Caldina?

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Postby mr2_t » Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:01 pm

Not 100% sure about the caldina but the on the 99 MR2 (3sgte) it was 13 PSI.
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Postby rodstr » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:45 am

i got a 1997 gt-t, its reading 13psi
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Postby Inane » Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:12 pm

Standard boost on the GTT Caldina is approximately (when the car is warm)

11-12 PSI in first and Second
and 12-14 psi in Third and Fourth.
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Postby strx7 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:42 pm

Sweet, do they run a factory boost controller or do they just plumb straight to the wastegate which is rated around 13psi?
Will they handle 15/16psi without shitting themselves, or should i just wait 6 months make a custom manifold and add a larger turbo before increasing the boost a tad?
I'm dropping one into a ST185, should be a good gravel car club thrasher
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Postby strx7 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:42 pm

i presume they have fuel cut, at what psi does that cut in at?
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Postby snwtoy » Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:49 pm

Do a search of this board for Caldina. You will soon find that the GTT engine is rather fragile and easy to break due (in part) to it's high compression. It is not exactly "mod friendly"
There's been many do's and don't's discussed here before.. search and ye shall find.
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Postby Lunchie » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:02 pm

snwtoy wrote:Do a search of this board for Caldina. You will soon find that the GTT engine is rather fragile and easy to break due (in part) to it's high compression. It is not exactly "mod friendly"
There's been many do's and don't's discussed here before.. search and ye shall find.

WTF? the gtt engine is a 4th gen 3sgte isnt it..... they arnt fragile or hard to mod.....
"The air is heavy with antisipation as cozmo revs, drops the clutch and...... stalls with the hand brake on"........ "cozmo's hand brake one, cozmo 0"

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:15 pm

Lunchie wrote:WTF? the gtt engine is a 4th gen 3sgte isnt it..... they arnt fragile or hard to mod.....

So sayeth someone who knows nothing about them :roll: ... learn how to do a search before flailing away on the keyboard or go back to your to dreaming about your wonderful subbie :P

IMHO the GT-T engine is the most fragile of all 3S-GTEs and the hardest to mod, but what would I know I only own seven 3S-GTEs (1x Gen II, 3x Gen IIIs and 3x gen IV's) and have only blown 2 engines (1 Gen III & 1 Gen IV).

So tell us Lunchie, in your vast experience of 3S-GTEs why don't you think the Gen IV is fragile, and pray tell how you would go about modifying one to extract extra HP safely :lol:
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Postby Lunchie » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:54 pm

$&#$% you man that shit isnt called for..... from all i had heard the 3sgte in all forms was a reliable engine that was fairly easy to work....

All i said was a small one line thought... i didnt go ranting and raving about how i knew it all because i dont... and i certainly dont claim too...

its really sad that as soon as u saw a post u disaggred with from a person who owns a car u dont like u jumped on him with all your might....

I hope you feel like a big man because i think it just shows how mean you are and how u can only feel good bout urself by making others feel bad...

I dont know engines but im trying and tell me in your big rant all about how stupid and wrong i was did u even try to include anything helpful for the original question?........ "no" you didnt ..... ( I DID ) !!!!!!
"The air is heavy with antisipation as cozmo revs, drops the clutch and...... stalls with the hand brake on"........ "cozmo's hand brake one, cozmo 0"

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Postby Lunchie » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:18 pm

fivebob wrote:
Lunchie wrote:WTF? the gtt engine is a 4th gen 3sgte isnt it..... they arnt fragile or hard to mod.....

So sayeth someone who knows nothing about them :roll: ... learn how to do a search before flailing away on the keyboard or go back to your to dreaming about your wonderful subbie :P

IMHO the GT-T engine is the most fragile of all 3S-GTEs and the hardest to mod, but what would I know I only own seven 3S-GTEs (1x Gen II, 3x Gen IIIs and 3x gen IV's) and have only blown 2 engines (1 Gen III & 1 Gen IV).

So tell us Lunchie, in your vast experience of 3S-GTEs why don't you think the Gen IV is fragile, and pray tell how you would go about modifying one to extract extra HP safely :lol:

Look man i probly went a bit spastic on that last post....
all i should have said is i know u have heaps more experience than me but atleast im trying ......i may not be right all the time but hey noone is when they first get into cars....

Soz for the bitching :)
"The air is heavy with antisipation as cozmo revs, drops the clutch and...... stalls with the hand brake on"........ "cozmo's hand brake one, cozmo 0"

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:18 pm

Lunchie wrote:I dont know engines but im trying and tell me in your big rant all about how stupid and wrong i was did u even try to include anything helpful for the original question?........ "no" you didnt ..... ( I DID ) !!!!!!

Did you really, I thought it was just misinformation, something which I detest (as you can probably tell), and as for me not putting in anything helpful, perchance you missed this bit.
fivebob wrote:IMHO the GT-T engine is the most fragile of all 3S-GTEs and the hardest to mod

At least that's the truth and I have some experience to back it up with. Also as you neglected to do a search you probably never noticed that I've answered this question several times, and I really hate repeating myself.

Oh and just so you don't complain that I didn't contribute something useful with this post, Ill add that I seriously doubt that you can get a stock ECU to work in a ST185 so any questions about stock boost levels and fuel cuts are irrelevant.
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Postby Bling » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:19 pm

ladies, ladies, keep it on topic eh, enuff of the arguing :)
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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:22 pm

Lunchie wrote:Soz for the bitching :)

Apology accepted, I'm a grumpy old phart but at least I let you off lightly, just ask vvega what a real reaming from me is like :lol:
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Postby Lunchie » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:23 pm

thanks man ill just stick to funny stories from now on... i seem to be good at that...

check out the legacy vs the 20v in dunedin forum for a good laugh
"The air is heavy with antisipation as cozmo revs, drops the clutch and...... stalls with the hand brake on"........ "cozmo's hand brake one, cozmo 0"

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:27 pm

BZG|Bling wrote:ladies, ladies, keep it on topic eh, enuff of the arguing :)

Don't make me start on you... I was on topic, your post above however was not and what's more was also uncalled for, do you have something useful to contribute or are you just post whoring?

Now if no one has any further questions about the GT-T, I'll get back to figuring out the wiring loom so i can fit a Motec into my GT-T and then we can all learn something useful. Well useful to GT-T owners anyway...
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Postby Bling » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:29 pm

I contributed to ending the fight early.... i convinced lunchie of his error in doubting such and old fart of the forums like yourself.... :wink:
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Postby vvega » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:56 pm

fivebob wrote:
Lunchie wrote:Soz for the bitching :)

Apology accepted, I'm a grumpy old phart but at least I let you off lightly, just ask vvega what a real reaming from me is like :lol:

funny thing is we dont all gloat
stop been so nasty fivebob no point been inteligent when noone wants to play with you due to your repulsive personality

as for dropping it into a 185 i dont think it would be that hard wiring wise but i guess that dpends on what ya practical skills are like
some people tend to overthink a job and convince thenselves its harder than it really is
while others get in and just do what has to be done and just expand their skills to fit the requirements


Postby fivebob » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:55 pm

vvega wrote:
fivebob wrote:
Lunchie wrote:Soz for the bitching :)

Apology accepted, I'm a grumpy old phart but at least I let you off lightly, just ask vvega what a real reaming from me is like :lol:

funny thing is we dont all gloat when we can
youve had your share of been wrong and haveing your arse handed to ya

Care to show me where, Alzheimer’s is catching up on me, and I don't recall any such event. I'm sure you'd gloat if you could :twisted:
as for dropping it into a 185 i dont think it would be that hard wiring wise but i guess that depends on what ya practical skills are like

Oh please don't start with such a misinformed comment, I haven't the time to point out the error of your ways :evil:

Suffice it to say that it's not as easy as you think, unless you're going to go to an aftermarket ECU then your chances of getting a GT-T engine to work in another vehicle are close to zero. It's far more integrated into the rest of the vehicle systems than the earlier ECU's and will likely throw codes because it can't find the valid inputs it needs.

There is no readily available source of documentation (that I can find) on the ECU or wiring loom, so unless, like me, you want to spend hours tracing a loom then there is little chance you will even know which pins need what signal. Even tracing the loom isn't going to give you all the answers, only two of the four connector blocks go from the engine bay to the ECU, the other two connect to the cabin loom and other black boxes like the ABS/VSC.

Even going an aftermarket ECU is not an easy proposition if the engine is to remain in a GT-T, as the ancillary systems also require outputs from, and probably inputs to, the ECU. But I like challenges and I want a 400+HP reliable GT-T so I will do it even if it means replacing the entire wiring loom and installing my Motec ADL.

BTW people you really need to harden up, if you think I’m being harsh you really do lead a sheltered life. You need to get out more and look at some of the more, dare I say it, intelligent car forums like www.ferrarichat.com . The piss taking of anyone who steps out of line there would leave you a quivering mess in the corner, but at least the debate is knowledgeable and they do know their stuff, and it’s a bonus if you register you get to see all the pics of Ferraris you could ever wish for ( it’ll be even better when they recover all that was lost in the recent hard drive crash)
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Postby blitza » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:03 am

/me slaps lunchie for pissing off our trusted and great mine of wealth, fivebob.

any hoo, my g2t runs yeah up to aboot 14 in 3&4th, have run more, busted pistions, bent rods, chewed up oil pump etc.
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