lowering ke70 wagon

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lowering ke70 wagon

Postby dxtawagon » Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:56 pm

i know this has probably been done before but i had a few more specific questions.
at the moment: it sits about 2 inchs lower with kings in the front and reset leafs with an extra leaf in the rear.
now i want to lower it another inch or there abouts
possible problems:
1: wont have much clearance in the back between the axle and the bump stop, whats the easiest way round this (legal), shaving bumpstops??
2: what springs do i need for the front or can i get them compressed??(again legal)
3: i have 16 mags so if i lower the front im thinking that they will rub on the inner guards when pushed upwards?, but if i take them out then water is going to get all up in there and be a problem??

and will i just end up with something that handles like shit?? ie way more bumpy than already??

any imput appreciated
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:08 pm

No front springs, and turn the leaves upside down.

But seriously, measure the shock distance between the two platforms on full extension, get the Kings compressed to stay just captive. I have standard DX springs compressed and they are ok, so compressed Kings would ride even better. Then shave the bumpstops in the back.

I have compressed springs 65mm in the front of mine, with 17's, they don't rub at all anymore. I fixed that by removing the plastic inner guard and cutting all outside edge off it with a grinder, just leave the two lowest bolt points in so it still bolts in securely. Then fold all the guard lip up using a baseball bat or torque bar or whatever. This worked a treat on mine, still have the inner guard, and no rubbing at all.

As for the back, can't really help, don't know $&#$% all about leaf springs.
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Postby wde_bdy » Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:12 pm

Talk to a certifier, as soon as you touch the bump stops (as in modify from standard) you need to get it certed to keep it legal. Might as well pick their brains for what they will allow you to get away with.

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Postby dxtawagon » Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:45 pm

thanks for the help. wheres a good place to get springs compressed in akl??
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Postby MetalupYoAss » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:07 pm

you could probably take to your bump stops with a belt sander or something.. if you want to lower the back more get the leaves reset and stiffer, so theres less chance of bottoming... you might be able to get some heavier rear shock absorbers from a hilux or something.. its just a matter of trial and error to see what will fit.
as for the front, KE70 has very similar suspension to AE85/6, if you want to just make it real low then get progressive kings or something, but it as you say it will probably handle like shit.. if you want it to handle well, you can shorten, and short stroke the shocks in there now as per the club4ag article, and put in some aftermarket ae86 springs, replace all the bushes (front and rear, especialy the sway bar bushes), get an allignment and you will be sorted.
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Postby Gx71man » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:39 pm

Mi mate flipped his center leaf in the back and cut the springs in half in the front. hes got like 25mm adapter plates and it rubs onthe inner gaurd wen u go over sharp bumps to quick.

dont think it helpd but yea
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Postby pervert » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:46 pm

Just get the fronts compressed, don't know about Auckland, but I got mine done by Bellamy & East in Chch, cost $60 incl. for a pair, so its not steep.
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