You'd have the advantage of far less heat soak, which all top-mounted intercoolers suffer. If you know someone who can do steel fabrication on the cheap, then a new front mount would only cost you a few hundy.
There are a couple of very good fabricators on this forum who can help you out.
Front mounted intercoolers are definitely preferable to top mounted ones, but you need to remember the cons as well as the pros ... in this case, lag would be your main con, as well as more points of potential failure (ie boost/vacuum leaks from the pipe joins). These shouldn't be a problem provided the work is done properly though.
If you're going to go front mount, you may as well hold on a little bit longer and get a new intercooler as well (if you're unhappy with the standard cooler). Just remember that when it comes to intercoolers, bigger isn't always better. Look for an intercooler with maximum heat transfer and flow rates, rather than something with massive end tanks and lots of chrome