by Twolitre » Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:37 am
If you've never done anything like this before I'd seriously reccomend you buy a service repair manual.
First thing I suggest you do is find out why the HG blew in the 1st place and rectify it, ie. fans not working, bad water pump, radiator or whatever.
Second thing obviously is buy a new headgasket and new head bolts, waterpump, other gaskets from someone like Mr Revhead
To time the engine the cam lobes on no. 1 piston need to face outwards at 90 degrees towards the manifolds and the crank set at 0 degrees BTDC
It's also probably a good idea to get the head checked at an engine rebuilders for any warpage it may have incurred and remove all the gasket remains from the block before torquing the head back down.