Extra lamps and WOF question

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Extra lamps and WOF question

Postby Stealer Of Souls » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:33 pm

Hey there...

Thought I'd pitch this one to everyone on here before bugging my WOF guy.

Is it illegal to fit more than one set of fogs. By this I mean having them physically on the car, but not functional/wired to produce a "legal" arrangment?

I know that the legal limits are:-
One pair of Low Beam lamps,
One pair of "fog" lamps,
One pair of High Beam lamps,
One pair of "driving" lamps.
For a MAX total of 8 lamps on high beam, four on low beam. Of course this varies depending on the OEM setup of your headlamps.

Why can I see this confusing people....
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Postby Mr. Mainstream » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:46 pm

WTF!?!?! 8O why
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Postby CozmoNz » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:48 pm

im kinda missing what your trying to say...

whats your point?

our wof setup is quite fuked up.... but hey, we can only complain :D
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Postby pervert » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:52 pm

So you want a set of lights, that won't operate...

i.e. Purely for cosmetic purposes?

I can't see that being a problem if they aren't wired up...
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Postby CozmoNz » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:55 pm

pervert wrote:So you want a set of lights, that won't operate...

i.e. Purely for cosmetic purposes?

I can't see that being a problem if they aren't wired up...

Last i was told you fail a wof if you have lamps hooked up that dont work.

since they dont know where they angle etc.

eg, removing a fuse for your foggies.... they wont go, but theyll get u to remove em.

Vickrin had to do this for the galant. they didnt go propper, or was it at all? but he had to remove em
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Postby wde_bdy » Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:19 pm

Basically if its there it has to work. If you really want an extra set that aren't hooked up (maybe for offroad use or whatever), mount them on a removable bracket with a plug for the wiring. My cousin used a trailer plug for the spotlights on his rally car, cheap and keeps out water when unplugged.

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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:30 pm

Purple_beasty's on the right track...
So I can't just leave them on the car and hook them up when I need them? Bugga.
Guess I'll actually have to make the removable bracket now... Damn I'm lazy...
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Postby Muzzie » Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:15 am

Easy solution :)

Get a vehicle with lotsa lights on it from factory :) Like mine :P

4xHigh Beam, Plus 2 spots.
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:29 am

the dick at the testing station failed my integra i had a while ago cause i had headlights, plus the factory fogs (the center yellow yuckky ones (which i de-yellowed)) as well as my spotties i had attached on.

he made me disconnect one set so i just disconnected the spottie switch and i was sweet, passed no worries
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:49 am

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:the dick at the testing station failed my integra i had a while ago cause i had headlights, plus the factory fogs (the center yellow yuckky ones (which i de-yellowed)) as well as my spotties i had attached on.

he made me disconnect one set so i just disconnected the spottie switch and i was sweet, passed no worries

Wired incorrectly?
Proper spots (driving lamps) should only be on with the high beam. There is a max of four high beam lamps. Which means if you've got the sort that changes from low pattern to high pattern (H4 style bulb) plus a factory set of highs then that's your limit. But if you've got the sort that are a dedicate high only, then you can add a set of spots.

But, yeah, I've had people pass WOFs by disconnecting the switch on their extra lamps... But they only had a single pair of extras...
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Postby 10k 20v » Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:45 pm

in remember way back at my wof inspectors course the tutor stated that you are only permitted to have four lamps operating at one time, also there is no such thing as driving lights (must be considered as a fog light) for our standards and if fitted have to be set to a dip rate of 3% which is the same for fog lights.

However that said the lighting laws have changed at the end of feb but we won't get any information as to what untill we get our next updates which we will get at the end of the month
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:29 am

I'm gonna sound like a prick.

But check that out again.
The rules sheet is very wishy washy vague, but it does manage to elude to the correct setup in the added info sheet about extra lights.
The four lamps that it talks about is actually high beam type lamps. These are in addition to a pair of low beam lamps that you may have. So in fact, the driving lights/extra headlamps/spot lights are the second pair of high beam lamps allowed.
This was the current rule until the end of feb. If it's changed I'm not sure what it is now.
I had this same issue with a testing station a couple of years ago, ended up going to the local mechanic to get warrant. But at that time I ended up doing one heck of a lot of research and what I posted earlier kept coming up as the correct interpretation of the addition lights rule.

Unfortunately my WOF guide is now 18 months out of date...
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Postby 10k 20v » Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:54 pm

for more up to date regs visit the ltsa website, the guy taking us throught the regs mentioned that if there are four lamps operating at the same time the fog lights are to switch off when high beam selected, he admitted himself the rules are a bit of a joke and said then that they we're to review the laws which they now have. so we can only wait for the new regs to become availible to see what they changed.
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:16 am

Dipped beam headlamps
Dipped beam headlamps are used for lighting the way ahead of the vehicle at night. The beam pattern is controlled so that the driver can see the road ahead without causing glare to other road users. (Dipped beam and main beam headlamps are often combined into one lamp.)

Fitting requirements
All vehicles are fitted with one or two dipped beam headlamps as original equipment.
You may not fit any additional dipped beam headlamps to a vehicle.
Dipped beam headlamps must be white or amber in colour.
On the road
Dipped beam headlamps should be used during the hours of darkness and whenever visibility is poor. Because they are dipped, they can be safely used in all conditions without dazzling other road users.

Main beam headlamps
Main beam headlamps are used for lighting the way a long way ahead of the vehicle. Because they are not dipped, they will dazzle other road users if not used properly. (Dipped beam and main beam headlamps are often combined into one lamp.) Additional main beam headlamps are also known as ‘driving lamps’.

Fitting requirements (original equipment)
Most motorcycles, cars and trucks are fitted with one or two main beam headlamps as original equipment.
Main beam headlamps must be white or amber in colour.
Fitting requirements (additional equipment)
You may fit additional main beam headlamps (driving lamps) as long as you don’t have more than the maximum allowed for that type of vehicle. All vehicles except motorcycles may have up to four main beam headlamps (motorcycles may have up to two). For example, if your car has two main beam headlamps you may add two more, but if it already has four main beam headlamps you may not fit any more.
Main beam headlamps must be wired so that they automatically switch off when the headlamps are dipped.
On the road
Only use main beam headlamps when you’re driving on the open road and there are no other vehicles directly in front of you or coming towards you. You must switch to dipped beam as soon as you notice other vehicles ahead to avoid dazzling them.

Front fog lamps
Front fog lamps illuminate the road ahead in foggy conditions, both at night and during the day. They give off a short, wide beam of light that is designed to shine through the fog, lighting up the area directly in front of the vehicle and helping the driver see the sides of the road better.

Fitting requirements
You may have up to two front fog lamps fitted to your vehicle. If your vehicle already has two front fog lamps fitted as original equipment, you cannot fit a second pair. Fog lamps should be wired so that they can be turned on or off independently of the headlamps.
Front fog lamps must be white or amber in colour. When purchasing front fog lamps, it is your responsibility to ensure they meet approved standards and are designed for that specific purpose. If in doubt, consult a vehicle lighting retailer.
On the road
Fog lamps should only be used when visibility is severely reduced, eg by snow or fog. It is against the law to use fog lamps in clear conditions (day or night) as they can dazzle other road users.
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:24 am

So that was taken from the LTSA website under a clarification about lights...
It's all down to interpretation, but if you check it, it does not say that fog lamps must turn off under main beam (in any situation).
Nor does it state than any low beam lamps must switch off with the main beam.

This was the exact problem I had 18 months ago. The testing station went off on their own interpretation, even when I had clarification from the LTSA they wouldn't accept it.
This has always been a tricky subject with WOFs since the LTSA hasn't clarified the situation 100%. At least not to an external person. Within their own minds I'm sure they know what the story is...
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Postby NZ_AE86 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:10 pm

"If a lamp that is permited but not required does not have to operate"
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:04 am

That lines a little confusing...
I think it's missing some words....
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Postby Muzzie » Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:35 am

10k 20v wrote:for more up to date regs visit the ltsa website, the guy taking us throught the regs mentioned that if there are four lamps operating at the same time the fog lights are to switch off when high beam selected, he admitted himself the rules are a bit of a joke and said then that they we're to review the laws which they now have. so we can only wait for the new regs to become availible to see what they changed.

But doesn't it say somewhere that fogs can be operated independent of the mains??

Because I can have all my highs, lows and fogs on at the same time - (in theory thats 8 lights at once)
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Postby Stealer Of Souls » Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:30 am

Yeah. It says ...
Fog lamps should be wired so that they can be turned on or off independently of the headlamps.

So yes. That allows up to 8 lamps to operate at once. That's a lot of light...

Here's where I got that text/info from just in case someone wants to look. It also covers just about every light you can have fitted to the car! Including stop lamps, CMHSL, even underbody lighting! (which I might add, pertains to all the underbody installs I've seen being illegal...)
http://www.ltsa.govt.nz/vehicle-safety/ ... right.html
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