ive just put a manual into my CT196 caldina (diesel) , it was auto and the auto was tired.
a: how much oil am i supposed to put in the gearbox?
b: what kind of oil am i supposed to put in the gearbox?
ive put about 3l of castrol dextron in it and it crunches going into 3rd- particularly on the downshift, and osmetimes 2nd both up and down shifting.
is there any way to reolve this issue without having to buy another gearbox?
what sort of money am i looking at to get a gearbox rebuilt?
(keeping in mind i get toyota genuine parts at dealer prices if that makes any difference).
i can remove the gearbox myself + refit it myself, but i know nothing about the internal workings of a gearbox.
is a gearbox easy to rebuild yourself?