CozmoNz wrote:having a peak down the extractors of my blacktop ages ago, i noticed theres not one bolted there.... is it underneath the car where they become 2-1?
or do blacktop not have them?
If you look down the front of the engine, from memory (and if its the same as a silvertop) you'll find it's actually closer to the front of the engine, maybe in the primaries around the oil filter.
Just incase you don't know what an O2 sensor looks like, it'll be cylindrical, it'll have between 1 & 4 wires (on a blacktop I'd expect 3-4 wires) about the size of a roll of 5c peices or half a "tube" of winegums, the wires will come out the top of the sensor and it'll probably have a 22-23mm nut on the sensor itself.
I think that the older 4age's have a plate that bolts to the exhaust that holds/sandwhiches the o2 sensor in.
Difference between the 1 wire & 3-4 wire sensors are that the 1 wires are unheated & take a few minutes to start working correctly. The 3-4 wire ones have a heater element & work straight away. (better economy)