wobbly wrote:hey thanks heaps, this looks like a really good tutorial. ive never done any work under the hood of cars before, might have to give it a crack i think, reading on i noticed a guy had a factory bov, would it be easier to get an aftermarket one? and are they illegal to vent into atmosphere in nz? also lookin at mines ecu chip, where would you come across these? been lookin on ebay and trademe but nothing. is there a website that specialize in these? cheers
No problem

. If you happen to have any questions just let me know. It's a simple job if you take your time and follow the tutorial. You can buy the piping off TradeMe, as well as the silicone hoses.
It's legal to vent the BOV to the atmosphere here in New Zealand, as vr4boy mentioned above. If you decide to make a CAI you're going to have to get an aftermarket BOV anyway since you need to remove the airbox where the stock one mounts to.
As for the Mine's ECU chip, there's not a site that you can buy them from as far as I know. My brother bought his on TradeMe, but they're very rare. They typically got installed in Japan, so the chances of finding one are slim, unless you ring every wrecker in the country. To my understanding, they were tuned specifically as per the owner's request. For example, if the owner wanted no speed cut and particular fuel mapping they would do it. For that reason they weren't universally mass produced and each one is tuned differently.