Burning questions of the day answered by the Toyspeed populace

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What Cigarette Brand Do You Prefer?

Benson and Hedges
Other, Hoilday etc
Total votes : 10

Postby kyes » Thu May 27, 2004 12:16 pm

MrOizo wrote:
Levin_Kidz_brother wrote:f**k all of you U are all dickheads stop f**king mocking me I dont smoke herion or other drugs only smoke Marlboro. I dont get stoned or anything. I only smoke cos it looks kool and chicks like it. And u are are kind of pussy if ur a guy and dont smoke marlboro.
Just f**king be nice for a change and everything will be sweet

i think if you listen carefully you will hear the faint sound of no one giving a crap ;)

That was the best laugh ive had for a week! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im a smoker i i find it disgusting.. yet enjoyable, so i guess im a half pussy then.
Smokeing isnt cool. At all. Period.

:roll: :roll: PLease grow up.

Thank you.

(change that god dammed signature levin kid!!)
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Postby BlakJak » Thu May 27, 2004 2:38 pm

Thread locked, the originator of this post has been removed from the Forums... have a nice day :)
-.-. --.-
BlakJak - 2001 Toyota Gaia (yeah i'm all domesticated now)
(RIP Toyspeed Profiles! Finally had to disable them due to compatibility with newer versions of things. Sorry!)
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