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Location for Megameet 04'

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:58 am
by Silent Knight
Please only people vote who is seriously intending on coming to Megameet. :D :D

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:11 pm
by Roush
nelson and blenhiem are holes, chch is beautiful

you do the math :?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:11 pm
by MrOizo
no point going to the south island and not going to chch!! :P

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:13 pm
by Blkwinter
Ive never been further than picton so i can't wait to go to christchurch

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 4:45 pm
how the hell am i suppose to get to Christchurch? I VOTE AUCKLAND!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 6:21 pm
by BlakJak
I vote Auckland too..

We've done Wellington and Taupo, Theres a good collection of members in Auckland and lots to do if its sussed out....

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:26 pm
by AngelTwin
BlakJak wrote:We've done Wellington and Taupo

EXACTLY!!! :roll: All North Island mega meets!!! :roll: So why not go south for a change? 8O

Think about the wicked road trip and the large convoy!! it'll be FUN!!!! :D

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:35 pm
by BlakJak
I cant afford that run. :P

Thats my ulterior motive for voting local... :P

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 10:35 pm
by Adydas
EXACTLY!!! All North Island mega meets!!! So why not go south for a change?

Think about the wicked road trip and the large convoy!! it'll be FUN!!!!
Is your relationship getting in the way of your toyspeeding?

Its Great to see that wellington ppl are now seeing this.. You do u know u could have chch and welly have a HUGE drive to auckland.. or gissbourne or what ever..

i still see it been mad asking the bigger portion of ppl to go the longest distance.. u guys keep saying " blah blah stop wineing.. Chch ppl came to wellington last time.. now its Your turn.." Number one.. wellington didnt go anywhere so there for there voice is little to non on the subject in my eyes.. And.. i dont know excat numbers.. but 4 ppl goto n a place to wellington.. from chch..

Not one chcher i belive DROVE to picton and ferryed there car over..but u want 40 aucklanders go to chch.. when 4 chchers came to wellington?

i mean we could all fly.. But Look at the ratio 4 ppl.. one hired a car.. i belive.. thats about 3 ppl on foot.. EASY to hitch into another car for a ride..

where are 40 aucklanders fly over now if there was 4 chch ppl.. that means theres what? 10 ppl in each car? as in a simlar way i dont see that the ( smaler voiceing memebrs from chch ) that didnt make any effort to go to wellington could really be accounted acuratly to say " they WILL be there.." they wernt at wellington..

anyway this is just a Blarg!! im just saying Most of the ppl throwing there voice around are ppl.. that were either not inconvinanced much if any at all last time.. Trying to make what i belive the biggest portion of numebrs for this gathering.. go EVEN futher again..

Anyway.. im not Voteing.. on this.. What EVER is decided im probly going to be there.. regardless of auckland wellington or Bluff.. as the costing dont really inconveniance me at all now.. so im not actually makeing this bitch cos its costing me.. ( so ppl cant say " Just save up u have plenty of time" im mearly voiceing my word on what i rekon is the bigger portion of people.. IF all of auckland hammy is happy ( and as 2 ppl in this new thred allredy show arnt ).. then ill shut up.. i was only trying to speak up for my side.. who dont want to be spoken up for..

Im happy to go where ever we go.. Due to my car i cant compleat in any things.. like race tracks so ill jsut take photos and socailze..

I still think 2 seperate ones North and South.. what ever tho..

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 10:46 pm
by Elmo
Adydas, you believe wrong!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 12:02 am
by Adydas
im not going to argue till the cows come home.. the votes after a few days show chch a head, but in saying this i dont know who the 18 voters are..

as 10 of them could be ppl from bluff or taranaki that dont know many ppl and mtie not even show anyway..

Regardless of outcome.. ill prolly be there..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 12:04 am
by Elmo
Not one chcher i belive DROVE to picton and ferryed there car over..but u want 40 aucklanders go to chch.. when 4 chchers came to wellington?

I was just pointing out that you belived wrong there.

No mater where it is I'll prolly do my best to DRIVE there again too.[/quote]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 12:51 am
by Adydas
* Warning its 1 am.. im well tierd.. and havent re read this at all.. so ill edit it later when i can be $&#$%... so be away mite not make any sense.. it did in my head.. i had Points i was trying to bring across..*

As mucha s i mite appear to be against things.. im not

things only get better as more ideas come into things.. and more ideas come when ppl challange things.. its mearly a bad way to brain storm.. :P

i dont know what happend in wellington.. personally dont care..

just smoothing out the comment i read and they way i see things.. I mean Fine lets do something.. for what ever reason

but no need to say " lets do this cos Last time They came to us", so 4 ppl did? i belive?? i mean its good to see Any comitment from anyone... shit i didnt got.. then again i coulnt at the time afford to go to the dairy down the road for a pie.. but dont tell everyone they have to go to X cos 3 ppl from x came up..

Prolly just me.. but it burns my wick a bit eh? dont know why..

say lets go to chch.. cos we can do This and this and this and this.. No one has.. at least when i started this up.. i was talking to some one about parmy north ideas.. we had a contact for a Grasskhana a Race trace and prolly could sort out the drag strip out mastertone way? for a feee natrually.. etc etc

so far its " lets get 40 cars from akld to ferry to Nelson or chch to stand around and talk for 5 mins have a beer and do What??? "

at least gettin 10 from chch to go do X X X and X is some what worth while..

meh anyway its late im tierd.. But i would like to see whats planned or at least an idea for chch..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 9:00 am
by Elmo
Theres no point in organising anything untill we know the location as to where its at. For someone who doesnt care where its at you seem to be making a big fuss about it.

Hell, if it makes Adydas happy, have it at his place.

All in favour of keeping Adydas happy please raise your hand.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 2:06 pm
by Elmo
oh, and it was 6 people that went up.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 3:22 pm
by LilRippa
if its in chch i'll be flying down plain and simple

stomach cant handle long road trips

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:16 pm
by Adydas
see 6 ppl flying vs 40 north island cars Ferrying and petroling? thats all im pointing out

cos if its in Auckland next time.. the Same turn out of chchers ( 6) MITE come to auckland..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:21 pm
by PumpN
im just gonna sit by and have christchurch have its moment, its not like they have been hogging the spotlight or nothing, in fact i don't think they have ever been in the spotlight. There seems to be a few hardcore toyspeeders down that way which would give it their best and organise a kick arse megameet, and a dozen or so north islanders who are keen for a (rather expensive) road trip, best of luck

as far as i see it if i want to meet up with fellow members, have a chat, have a good time then there are other ways i can go about it, such as the upcoming taupo trackday, without the expense of leaving my beloved island

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 7:12 pm
by Voodoo
Adydas wrote:the votes after a few days show chch a head, but in saying this i dont know who the 18 voters are.

im one, and il be there, but i am only a hour away,anway there is plenty of Ch,Ch toyspeeders that would make this event great, even if only a few north islanders made it

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 10:50 am
by AngelTwin
I'd even be happy to assist in organising it, remotely ofcourse, but I've got access to a phone and internet, so I'm sure I could be very helpful for the southerners! 8)

I still like the idea of missioning down to Christchurch and I'm sure we can make the trip as cheap as possible with extra people in cars and bulk bookings, etc.

It may not be practical to take the majority out of their comfort zone to meet with a potentially smaller group, but who cares? It's mega meet and if you're dedicated to Toyspeed, you'll make the effort!

For the people that don't want to drive down, I'm sure there's enough CHC members to ferry you around if you fly down! The convenience they have of being in their home town, is they can have multiple cars with one person per car, therefore leaving space for the car-less!!

We drove the chc members around when they were up here, so I'm sure they'll be more than happy to return the favour!

If the Aucklanders are gonna keep squabbling over this, why don't you just have an Auckland mega meet and a Christchurch mega meet and then we can all choose which one we want to go to. :roll: :roll:

:idea: I'm just wondering if maybe we should pick a more central location such as Nelson, because we can always do a day trip mish to Christchurch?? :?: