Da Truck: Lower or Raise?

Burning questions of the day answered by the Toyspeed populace

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Raise or Sack da bitch?

Raise Shitloads with big bling wheels and tyres.
Sack da bitch out with airbag suspension.
Total votes : 11

Da Truck: Lower or Raise?

Postby Silent Knight » Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:31 pm

Ok peeps here's the million dollar question.

what do you reckon would look more "BLING".

if i raize the truck shitloads with big ass fat tyres and wheels or if i completely sack it out and get airbag suspension for when i need it raised :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby the fallen303 » Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:00 pm

sack it, remember, when raised, so is the center of gravity. i watched 5th gear a while back, they tested a land rover at 40mph, turn one way, back the other and over she goes, nasty shite.

unless you plan on going slow, have it low
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