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Do You Support The V8 Supercars Wellington Streetrace Round?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:30 pm
by GTRgod
Do you support the race in wellington?
I think they should have it again... dont miss out due too greenies like the moron tree-huggers in auckland city..
vote and register your support to the wellington city council here: ... ercars.php
(or register your complaint - you spoil sport hehe)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:36 pm
by Adamal
Well seeing as some dicks in Auckland denied it even though the votes were in its favour, I'm all for it in Wellington. Hell, just SOMEWHERE!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:45 pm
by Dr-X
Absolutely! This is an event that many countries would love a chance to be a part of, and a lot of major cities around the world would embrace this kind of opportunity, and bend over backwards to make it happen. Auckland was snooby nosed about the whole thing, and they're going to look back in 10 years and realise they made the wrong decision.

I am 100% behind the street race in Wellington, and have submitted emails to ALL the Wellington councillors in support of the event.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:39 am
by B1NZ
Yes it was me that voted against it!!

Just reading the submissions int the dominion etc.......

It seems to me the only people "for" the event are the people that wont have thier lives/businesses disrupted by it.
Its funny how in the letter to the editor and the polls the dominion had, every single person that voted for lived out of the city where they wouldnt have a problem with it.
People in the city will have to pay for it, the latest stats indicate that it will bring a loss of 3million a year to the city which the ratepayers will have to come up with as well as disruption to business in the CBD.
also Adelaide scrapped it because of the same problems
IMO the race owners (IMG?) should front up with the money for the costs, instead of WCC, i mean i bet they'll make a huge some form it - form what i've heard the race needs Wellington - not the other way around :P

Am i the only one who thinks they should put the money into a dedicated race circuit in wellington for all of us to enjoy?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:39 pm
by GTRgod
You complain about the cost of the race to the council , which im sure will be sweet FA in comparison to the revenue created, then you want a track built instead... yeah, im sure the council would rather pour millions into a track 8O

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:09 pm
by B1NZ
GTRgod wrote:You complain about the cost of the race to the council , which im sure will be sweet FA in comparison to the revenue created, then you want a track built instead... yeah, im sure the council would rather pour millions into a track 8O

As i stated before the actual projected revenue is not good, Adelaide lost money continuously and the estimate for wellington is -$3,000,000 from what i've heard, maybe for all of you that vote for the race to go ahead - we can divide the 3million up between you and send you a bill? :lol:

At least if there was a track built it would benifit everyone, hell even if we got it up to full international spec there could be a slight possibility we could get F1 in this country? and a track could be used by all types of motorsport - not just some ghey austrailian cars :P

Horizons Manawatu council were going to pour millions into upgrading manfield which would be great for motorsport in nz because we could all get a chance to drive on the race circuit, and it would be more accessible to anyone form the country and no fear of the airport closing due to for and bad weather :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:27 pm
by Mr Revhead
adeilade canned??? news to me! the clipsal 500 is still part of it....

and also first iv heard it will lose $$$$ yes iv heard it will cost 3mil to run, but it will make more than that....

a permanant circuit would be great! but the reason IMG want a street circuit is they bring in more $$$$ than tracks.

dont forget the v8s are a rather big series, wathced all over the world and growing every year.. nz MUST have a race.

your just jealous cause those aussie cars are faster than yours :wink:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:39 am
by GTRgod
B1NZ - yes, i hear what you are saying , and i do get where you are coming from but after thinking about this for quite some time and after cross-examining all the arguements and statistics, I have carefully come to the definitive conclusion that ----- youre be`in a h0m0 :D :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:31 pm
by B1NZ
GTRgod wrote:B1NZ - yes, i hear what you are saying , and i do get where you are coming from but after thinking about this for quite some time and after cross-examining all the arguements and statistics, I have carefully come to the definitive conclusion that ----- youre be`in a h0m0 :D :lol:

haha, funny $&#$%, usually when people cant come up with a logical response they usually resort to personal attacks,

For the record - your mum doesnt think so :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:34 pm
by Dr-X
GTR - that was weak :roll: It doesnt really help our pro-race case when retards like you join the discussion, so piss off.

I'm yet to see ANY evidence that the street race will cost the city. Everything I've read has been financially positive for the city - not to mention the profile Wellington and New Zealand will get from these races - which means increased tourism and foreign spending.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:43 pm
by B1NZ
Maybe i would be a bit happier if they left the track there and we could hire jervious/aotea/waterloo quay track and drive it ourselves. :lol:

I just dont get why people like aussie v8's so much, are you all brainwashed? The euro touring cars or the aussie GT series is so much more entertaining IMO - Ive even driven last years team kiwi hot lap car even if it was in a carpark - but i did skids :wink: but it still doesnt excite me that much.

In saying that if it happens i "may" go and have a quick look?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:54 pm
by Dr-X
But you're basically saying you dont want it, because you dont like the V8 supercars? That's a pretty selfish view, not to mention an incredibly odd one for any motoring enthusiast.

Street races are FAR more exciting than track races, and are also much better for the race sponsors and providers - who are the ones who make the races happen in the first place.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:02 pm
by GTRgod
Dr-X wrote:GTR - that was weak :roll: It doesnt really help our pro-race case when retards like you join the discussion, so piss off.

geez, it was just a bit of light hearted humour... im sure everyone else could see that, including B1NZ... the only one making a REAL personal attack is you. I started this discussion , so how bout YOU piss off :D

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:56 pm
by Tablets
haha X got owned! :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:36 pm
by Dr-X
OK tablets, calm down :roll: GTR - calling someone a homo instead of coming up with a good response to their post seems like a personal attack to me, and it look as if B1NZ took it the same way.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:58 pm
by GTRgod
Dr-X wrote: calling someone a homo instead of coming up with a good response to their post seems like a personal attack to me

It was a joke... get over it.
Weve already established that you think me calling him a h0m0 in a light hearted manner is a big personal attack, why say the same thing twice? Seems to me youre the one that has trouble with a "good response". Besides, looks like ROBODISCO_20V has already summed you up :lol:
Pity you have to throw your toys out of the cot, I totally agree with you that no one has any REAL evidence about the true cost of this event vs projected revenues and its a real shame that they are held "secret" and "hyped"
by the media ,or we would all be alot better informed to make our judgement :twisted:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 12:32 am
by matt dunn
What a benefit to the Wellington business's.

Imagine the city's hotels and food outlets trying to house and feed an extra 500,000 poeple for the weekend.
If each of them spent $25 on a meal that would make welington business about.......25 x 500,000 .........12.5 million dollars better off?

So spend 3million, make 12.5 for the city, Hmmm,

What were you saying about it costing too much?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:14 am
by drizzt_stylez
B1NZ wrote:It seems to me the only people "for" the event are the people that wont have thier lives/businesses disrupted by it.
Its funny how in the letter to the editor and the polls the dominion had, every single person that voted for lived out of the city where they wouldnt have a problem with it.

I don't live in the city, but I occasionally park along the route of the race, and work next to it as well. This will make it a lot harder for me to get into work, but I'm all for it.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:14 am
by pc
We need a street race and a track in Wellington.

Neither of which I think will happen.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 12:54 pm
by 0TNIC
pc wrote:We need a street race and a track in Wellington.

Neither of which I think will happen.

theres a perfect place in wingate (lower hutt) for something like drift world, right opp zylex's work LOL (wonder where he will be all day)
theres also some places around the place that have more than enuff space for this BUT its a matter of someone having the money to buy the property and bulid it then get the permits etc. It would take alot of money and time but yet would make alot of money back.

someone got a spare 3 mill? LOL