by Cahuna » Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:02 pm
I've had 14 years racing an Escort (on gravel), I absolutely love the way I can just chuck it sideways at a corner. May not be fast but gives plenty of smiles. RWD wins hands down on smiles-for-miles.
I've also had two events now in my FXGT. First event was fun but I didn't have the fun I had in the Escort. Second event and I'm getting the hang of left-foot braking so I can hang the tail out if need be. Way faster than the Escort if I keep it straight though. So FWD is way faster through the corners than RWD (with the option to stick it sideways if the mood takes me) but ultimately not as much fun.
Therefore my answer has to be "both". I'm just lucky I've got one of both in the garage so that I can choose which one I want, whenever I want, depending on my mood.
We know that four-wheel drive doesn't work in a racing car, and I proved to myself that it doesn't work very well for rallycross. I'm absolutely convinced that it has no future in rallying, either, even if the regulations allowed it. - Roger Clark (rallying legend), circa 1976