I think that pple who say that the liner looks like all the other liners should/could really say the same about Supras i mean any car looks the same to a certain extent. I mean come on there is ALWAYS room for improvement with creativity and personally from wot i have seen id have to say that yeh ok Supras do come out looking rather fyne but mmmmm Liners would have to win with me hands down. They just sound and look so sexy
and do i have to mention the arse haha
If u complain that they look the same then go get some cash or save, buy which ever one u think looks to common go put some cash into do it to ur specifications and then come bak and tell me that it looks the same as b4. I would have to say KiwiMR2 that is the lamest excuse for not liking a car i have EVER heard
Thats almost as lol as the guy i rejected last nite hahaha