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Who is going to win the F1 championships this year?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:22 pm
by Mr Ree
As the season is about to start in less than 2 weeks, I thought I would start a poll to see what TS's F1 fans think about the pecking order.

I cant list all the drivers/teams as there arent enough poll options, but please write in your reply what driver you think will take the drivers championship, and which team will take the constructors, even if they arent shown in the poll (Ive just entered the more likely suspects)

Ideally you should vote with your head, not your heart :)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:12 pm
by thornz
Head: Vettel and Red Bull will win both again.

Heart: Raikkonen and Kobayashi

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:45 pm
by Mr Ree
Head: Vettel and RBR

Heart: Schu and Mercedes