Can't seem to cut a break with the ol' Levin at the moment...
Had her out yesterday and she was running perfect-the best shes ever run... Take her up north today and felt a bbit on the shady side but didnt worry to much about it cause it seemed to go away after the engine warmed up. Turn her on to go down the road and the next thing I hear is this very loud tapping noise. Give it some gas and it just gets louder. At first i thought it mite be noise from the valves lifting but it just kept getting louder louder. Went 2 a garage up north and he said that it could be the driveshaft rattling. Rang my dad and he aid it could be the water pumps rooted and then my mates dad says that theres something loose inside.
Anyone had a similar problem? Im wondering if this has something to do with the other prob I've been having...