fxgt clutch

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fxgt clutch

Postby toyowner » Wed May 05, 2004 10:25 pm


clutch in my old square fx was feeling quite short yesterday,

this morning when i went to use it, it wouldnt go into gear,

i push the clutch in but it feels like nothing is being pressed, very limp but still springs back, but felt different ot when it was going ok

any ideas? pedal box? clutch gone? gearbox?
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Postby Ae92typeX » Wed May 05, 2004 10:39 pm

was it making any wineing noise at all b4 it happened?- one time a release bearing went on one of my old cars and p[revented me getting into gears!?
Cant believe im still a member here.

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Postby bridgeport » Wed May 05, 2004 10:57 pm

sounds like the hydrolic clutch master cylder thingy
check the fluid in it and/or replace i had a fxgt same shape that did the same thing i had to pump the clutch like ferk to get any pressure to move the clutch and sometimes it wouldnt go into gear at all untill it had a misshap with a power pole lol

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