by MarkCL » Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:29 am
Don't know if the same applies to the Levin - but on the 'Four there's a diagnostics port in the engine bay (right hand side) and when you bridge the TE1 and E1 terminals using a bit of stiff wire or a paperclip you can get the error codes displayed on the engine management light in a series of flashes when you turn on the ignition to ACC or ON.
Basically if theres no codes the light will just flash steadily and continously, but if theres codes stored then you get a sequence of flashes, a pause and then another sequence to show the fault code number, e.g. for code 54 (IC level etc on the GT-Four) it would flash 5 times, pause, then flash 4 times, then it'll just repeat unless theres another code in there in which case it'll flash that one out too until there's no more codes, then just repeat itself. At least then you'll know what code is coming up - could be anything really from what you mention, but one possibility is a duff knock sensor or wiring fault to a sensor if it's also retarding the performance?
Hope that helps?
Mark- 94 Red Jap ST205 WRC
307 bhp @ 1.1bar
92 White Jap AE101 Levin GT-Z Supercharged
160bhp 155 lbft
"Don't make me come over there!"