gearbox oil

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gearbox oil

Postby levin_it_large » Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:44 pm

Getting into 1st gear is becoming a mission.........i suppose this is due to fouled/ failing gearbox oil, if not what would it be?

Having a bit of a problem with this, how far back in a AE111 is the bolt/cap? to release the old oil, i assume its under the car but where exactly, do i need to take off the plastic sheet type thing on the undercarriage or have they conveniently left a hole there to do it

cheers for any help
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Postby aesc » Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:08 pm

Yes will will need to unbolt the gravel tray, not completely take it off but just enough so you can bend it back to access the gearbox.

As for draining and filling, look at this viewtopic.php?t=19371

Its the other post you started on the same subject
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Re: gearbox oil

Postby solberg Fan » Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:17 pm

levin_it_large wrote:Getting into 1st gear is becoming a mission.........i suppose this is due to fouled/ failing gearbox oil, if not what would it be?
cheers for any help

I hate to tell you, but it sounds like your gear box is starting to fail. :( Gear box oil shouldnt realy evern need replacing (in the perfect world). Same as diff oil. If you hear grinding noise its the syncro dog teeth grinding - be very care full with the way you change gear cos its only goning to get worse. If its hapening its because you or some one who has owned the car has been putting it into first at a high speed. Theres a cone in the gear box witch speeds the gears up to the same speed as the out put shaft(driving wheels). This is the thing that wears and causes the porblem :?

Any way be carfull to what oil you put in as some oils will eat some materials you may have in the gear box. Go to toyota and ask them. :wink:
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Postby mike simmonds » Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:18 pm

thats not exactly true, as the syncros get worn from use they round off over time, this makes thick gear oil useless, wat u need to do is replace the original oil with thinner oil. try automatic trasmission fluid, red line oil also make a good thin gear oil but is quite expensive.[/quote]
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Postby thaphatty » Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:29 pm

yeapp, the syncro's just worn on one side. if you want to make sure it doesnt get any worse make sure you'ved stopped moving before you put it into first.
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Postby Bazda » Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:12 pm

yep, put autotrans oil is (dextron 3) with Proma g/box oil additive so your diff dont wear out.
work a charm for my beast, when i got it i wouldnt select 2nd or 3rd with out it going crunch if i reved it over 5000rpm.
had auto trans oil in for 20,000kms now and its still going hard!!
Now my clutch is gone :(
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Postby CozmoNz » Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:22 pm

sadly my first gear got a bit of damage last monday.

being a front wheel drive, and the ice we had here in dunedin.... to slow down you need to slow the wheel speed, NOT lock them, via braking.

so down to second... then first.. but first gear crunched because i was going about 50kph?

(supid wheel speed), anyway, its the last time i drive my baby on ice.... NEVER AGAIN I SAY@
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Postby blackie » Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:46 pm

you shouldnt ever be putting a car in 1st at 50k thats just asking for the gearbox to die..
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Postby solberg Fan » Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:49 pm

*a howel goes out in the distance in simpathy for all gear boxes*
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Postby CozmoNz » Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:51 pm

tops out at like 60...

maybe it was slower than that? i really dont remember the revs flying up to 5 when slowing down, maybe to 3 max..

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Postby Al » Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:54 pm

Redline mt-90 gearbox oil will help your gearbox last that extra bit longer :) Should be around $25-$40/quart depending on who you know.
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Postby aesc » Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:25 pm

Yip redline is good but expensive.

Sorry man but im going to jack your thread...

What type of gearbox oil should I be using in my GTZ with LSD? Can I use a GL-5 oil (like Syntrax), or should I stick to a GL-4 (like VMX)?

I was in Repco the other day and they have Valvoline Synthetic 75W90 oil (GL-5) which was really cheap compared with the Castrol stuff, would this be ok to use?
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Postby 10k 20v » Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:00 pm

Getting into 1st gear is becoming a mission.........i suppose this is due to fouled/ failing gearbox oil, if not what would it be?

Having a bit of a problem with this, how far back in a AE111 is the bolt/cap? to release the old oil, i assume its under the car but where exactly, do i need to take off the plastic sheet type thing on the undercarriage or have they conveniently left a hole there to do it

cheers for any help

sounds like the clutch isn't releasing properly to me
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