anyone ever experienced the gains from a street fighter grind from kelford cams? Just wanted to see if the power gains are worth the money, or just pay a bit more for a new set with the specs i want.
anyone reccomend? or regret?
btw this is for a N/A 4age being treated with generous mods
dont now arnt they the cams that u can slap in and can gat away with no after market ecu?
if they are i dont think they will give you much gains depending on the duration of the cams
any1 want to help?
When I was looking at getting some of those cams they told me it would give me 15 - 25% increace.
Then they told me I would have to do several other mods to get that gain (intake, exhaust etc) and they were included in the 15 - 25% gain.
ye they told me like a 15-20% gain too, but i wanna hear someone who has accually purchaced a street fighter grind and can tell me the results, first hand, not word of mouth.