hardy clutch?

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hardy clutch?

Postby CozmoNz » Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:40 am

right, after a bit of a bash tonight, my car had a good old work out in the 6-75 rpm range... im just wondering, all throughout the night i was heel and toeing.. and maybe once or twice mis matching the rpm (to high) resulting in a suddenly drop... very faint, i was off by about 200-400rpm

but anyway, on a long stright, i suddenly had to stop, so i did what i always do, 5th to 4th, heel and toe, all the way down to second, cept this time i didint have time to use the engine braking fully. i never let off the clutch long enough to have propper engine braking, (maybe half a second, before id disengage the clutch again), but this would usually eat the clutch in my subie.. so im wondering, how good are these clutches? (Ae111 trueno), after doing that, and driving around a bit, the clutch was still as hard.. still as firm, no spounge.... nothing as what id expect.

i over revved it hardcore when driving off expecting the clutch to be rather screwed... but nothing, just the same... then again the subie wouldnt do that :D just dump the clutch and shed do a quick 4wd wheel spin and jump :D.

so how good are these clutches compared to say a *race* setup ae111 clutch?

oh and for those saying *i cant heel and toe* (ive seen this around the forum), try moving your seat back 1 notch more than what is comfortable, it feels spaced out, but try it, makes it ALOT easier :) my mate with his 180 says its completely impossible, i got in, adjusted the seat to where i thought was nice to drive, and pushed it 1-2 notches more back, and i was heel and toeing in it quite easily...

but move your seat back :) it helps HEAPS
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Postby Flannelman » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:16 pm

The clutch in my levin is the larger 8 1/2 inch one and it takes a regular pounding. It was brand new in march, seen two drag meetings, a trip to pukekoe open day in easter, where on every lap it got dealt with downshifts 4-3 and 3-2 all day at 8k. Once i downshifted earlyer and slammed 145km into 3rd. Not recommended as the limiter is at 142.
It has also seen a trip to Taupo where i found that levins can drift.
Anyway, as long as you dont ride the clutch, thats either on hills or downshifts, it should last for quite a while. After all my punishment (including the occational standstill) it still is bitey. eg let it out too quick and it will breakloose (easy to do ) or jerk foward.
Good to hear that someone elce kicks the gas on a downshift.
Hope this helps
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Postby CAMB01 » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:50 pm

I've dealt to my clutch on about 3 occasions, not purposefully. Major amounts of slip, it got hot and started to slip a lot. Let it cool down over a couple of hours, and it was back to normal. So yeah these clutches are pretty strong, but i've got a new heavy duty clutch to with my new race engine.
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Postby thaphatty » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:52 pm

also depends alot on how much the previous owner thrashed it, but jappa's from 1995- usally still have plenty of meat left :wink:
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Postby solberg Fan » Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:08 pm

I thought the point of heal and toe was to get the same revs as what the clutch is doing on a down shift. If so it will make the clutch last longer cos of the same or very close speed between the two. even if it was out by 200-300rpm (not bad at all) its heeps better than 1000-1500rpm it would normaly slip at if not reving the engine. :?
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Postby Flannelman » Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:50 pm

that IS the point of heal-toe changes. It saves a clutch which gets very hot on a ride shift. eg dont use the loud pedal to match revs, use the clutch.
when they do get hot , they slip. the same effect is on your brakes when they get too hot, its called fade.
Other advantages are that the gear is sellected quicker, giving greater car control. Less slip so the clutch lasts longer to the abuse and in its life in the car. AND it sounds a shit load better when someone heal-toes to a stop, insead of riding the clutch to a stop.
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Postby CozmoNz » Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:20 am

yeh, i love my clutch, give it hell and she still goes hard :).

had a good we wheel spin going down a mates driveway (nice and smooth), rev her up, droped it down, and rose to 7k revs and held it there, nicely spun :).... bad moove was it let him have a go.... he kept holding the clutch and letting off again to get momentium he said.... id uno wtf he was on about :S he could have just let off the throttle and gained traction :S

last time he drives my car i say... however the clutch didnt feel very bad... pretty much the same, little bit less grab i think, however might just be me expecting something to be wrong.
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