4AGZE Lightend Fly Wheel

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Postby Mr Revhead » Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:30 am

you can change torque at one rev point, while not altering hp at another

pays to read the whole post ppl....... note that im talking about power and torque AT DIFFERENT REV POINTS! not the same point!!!

you can have an engine with 500hp at 6000rpm, and 300nm at 2500.
you can do mods that will affect the torque at 2500, eg making it 325nm, or 275nm while not losing your 500hp at 6000!! of course it takes a lot of testinmg etc but you can do it!
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Postby pc » Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:20 pm

This has been an interesting thread with a lot of un-educated comments. It's best to think of your car as weighing less in the lower gears with a lightened fly wheel. As you move up through the gears the flywheel weight will have less difference on the acceleration.
The car will always accelerate better with a lightened flywheel, as long as you don't stall it or do anything dumb. It may not "launch" as well because you don't have the bigger rotating engine mass to launch the car off the line, but it will accelerate faster.
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Postby Monsterbishi » Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:33 pm

pc wrote:This has been an interesting thread with a lot of un-educated comments. It's best to think of your car as weighing less in the lower gears with a lightened fly wheel. As you move up through the gears the flywheel weight will have less difference on the acceleration.
The car will always accelerate better with a lightened flywheel, as long as you don't stall it or do anything dumb. It may not "launch" as well because you don't have the bigger rotating engine mass to launch the car off the line, but it will accelerate faster.

A lightened flywheel will have equal effect regardless of what gear the car is in, ie it's mass is always the same at 'x' rpm.

If a car is not launching as well after having a lightened flywheel fitted, then it's not suitable as a performance engine, since it's relying on the inertia of a lump of metal as opposed to the torque of the engine to get it moving.
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Postby 4AGTE » Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:59 pm

I think i need to ask a proformance mechanic as im bloody confused now!

But i agree with what pc has said as it make sense to me but i will find out.
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Postby pc » Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:22 pm

Here is a web page with a lot of general info on lightening flywheels. http://www.pumaracing.co.uk/flywheel.htm
It has a table illustrating for every 1Kg removed from the flywheel the equivalent mass that would have to removed from the vehicle to get the same acceleration in each gear.
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Postby 4AGTE » Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:26 pm

pc your a good man.

Proof i tell you!
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Postby TRD Man » Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:23 am

4AGTE wrote:ok give me a price on the TRD lightend fly wheel dude.

TRD do not sell a flywheel for 16v 4AGE anymore. I don't believe they ever made a flywheel for 4AGZE.
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Postby vvega » Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:11 am

i didnt think they made anything for the ze
aside from the intercahnagbiles from just the ge :P

do tte still make one ??
or toda perhaps ??

or maybe you sould just pay the cash to get a chomolly one made
or perhaps a ally one with a insert

ehtier way its not gunna be a cheap thing to do


Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:37 am

who said anything about a 16v one? or a 4agze one...

the only parts that TRD do for the 4agze are ones that were made for the 4age and are interchangable as vvega stated.

and they do still list a 16v one..... also the cranks are the same on all 4ages from redtop onwards.... so they'll fit, just have to look at the clutch
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Postby Bazda » Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:59 am

just put a lighter one in and see what times u pull. if its worse just change it back :D.
wheel spin in 3rd gear one a 4agze? damn u must have no grip or loads of power.
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Postby IH8TEC » Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:33 pm

lol, yeah i dont care about all this, but how much power etc do you have (4AGTE), whats ya setup, and what times have you run

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Good thread this :)

Postby jondee86 » Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:45 pm

Just thought I'd chuck this in....

Flywheel inertia
Another important factor to getting good performance in a 4AGE, and any engine in fact, is to reduce the inertia of the engine by as much as possible. This of course means reducing the weight of everything that rotates or goes up & down. This is one of the main reasons why good pistons, con-rods, etc, cost a lot of money - They are made of better metal, made stronger, and weigh less. They also aren't a mass production part like the rest of your engine, so they will cost more per unit anyway.
They are also worth it!
Possibly the best value for the price you pay is a lightweight flywheel, as they affect the ability of the engine to pick (and lose) revs rather dramatically. It's effectively free power, even though it doesn't affect the actual power of the engine at all, ie, if you put two engines on dynos, one with a lightweight flywheel and the other stock, then they'll make the same power. Put the two in cars and go drag racing, the one with the lightweight flywheel will win every time.
The 4AGE is no different, of course, and you can run a flywheel down to about 4.7kgs no worries on the road. I have a 3kg one in my AE-86 and it's fairly liveable ... ;)
It's often said that a lightweight flywheel will also cause the engine to idle roughly, but this is more likely to be something else out of tune. (Eg, my racing car with it's 2.5kg flywheel idles dead smooth, and when I went from the stock 7kg one to the 3kg one in my AE-86 I didn't notice any difference).

It's from Bill Sherwood's page, well worth a read if you are planning on modifying a 4A-GE.


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Postby 4AGTE » Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:13 am

At the Toyota Vs Honda Drags on a the crappy as track i was running a 14.2 second qurter. on a ok track i should be about 13.8. I have no idear of the torque but i was starting in second gear and only 1/4 throttle till about 70kph then half.
i would be guessing at approximatly 130-140kw at the wheels and weighing less than 900kg's. This is only guessing.
I have a terible time with traction and granted my road tyres are a little crappy.
You must use 2 hands on the wheel when accelerating as it torque steers like a B*&^%.
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Postby Bazda » Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:50 pm

4AGTE wrote:At the Toyota Vs Honda Drags on a the crappy as track i was running a 14.2 second qurter. on a ok track i should be about 13.8. I have no idear of the torque but i was starting in second gear and only 1/4 throttle till about 70kph then half.
i would be guessing at approximatly 130-140kw at the wheels and weighing less than 900kg's. This is only guessing.
I have a terible time with traction and granted my road tyres are a little crappy.
You must use 2 hands on the wheel when accelerating as it torque steers like a B*&^%.
Very fun to drive!

damn thats good kws, what u done to the eng?
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Postby EVLGTZ » Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:13 pm

Bazda wrote:
4AGTE wrote:At the Toyota Vs Honda Drags on a the crappy as track i was running a 14.2 second qurter. on a ok track i should be about 13.8. I have no idear of the torque but i was starting in second gear and only 1/4 throttle till about 70kph then half.
i would be guessing at approximatly 130-140kw at the wheels and weighing less than 900kg's. This is only guessing.
I have a terible time with traction and granted my road tyres are a little crappy.
You must use 2 hands on the wheel when accelerating as it torque steers like a B*&^%.
Very fun to drive!

damn thats good kws, what u done to the eng?

hmmm guessing...

action dan recently only got 130kw @ wheels at Torque Performance for his 4agte.

Id say your setup is closer to 110-120kw for your s/c setup 4AGTE
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Postby Al » Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:27 pm

The mph across the line tells more about the power than the time it took

trap speed = how much power you make

elapsed time = how well you drove the 1/4
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Postby Bazda » Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:42 pm

Al wrote:The mph across the line tells more about the power than the time it took

trap speed = how much power you make

elapsed time = how well you drove the 1/4

So how much power am i making?
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Postby IH8TEC » Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:53 pm

lol, anyones guess, what for a clutch then get it dynoed, i'd be very interested to see how much it has, especially with the std ecu
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Postby JT » Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:34 pm

Dr-X wrote:A lightened flywheel affects drivability for no real gain. In saying it 'revs up quicker', who gives a crap how well it revs on the spot, if it's no quicker. And dont try to tell me a lightened flywheel is giving your car better 1/4 times.

Sorry, but I had to tell you. A lighter flywheel WILL give you a better 1/4 mile.

Dr-X wrote:Lightened flywheels just dont have any place on a street car or on the drag strip. It WILL decrease your 1/4 times, due to major bogging on launch.

Bogging on a lauch is a good thing! It means you can let the clutch out faster or give it more revs next time round.
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Postby Al » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:53 pm

Bazda wrote:So how much power am i making?

At a rough guess, around 170-175fwkw

Basically you look at other peoples 1/4 times and their trap speeds, compare weight with your car etc, its an educated guess.
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