umm..yeah, just put my new engine and radiator etc in..
and i think it will need a bleed to get all the air out, how do you go about this, cause i havent done one before..
cheers David
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Ae92typeX wrote:If you jack the front up to make sure the radiator to is the highest point (usually is anyway), put the heater control onto hot (opens up the valve to it) and pour the water in it should do it. I did that with my supra and didnt get any water pockets.
matt dunn wrote:(unless it's a mr2 as they have a quite complicated procedure)
ChaosAD wrote:My toyota mechanic was telling me about something about warming up the engine with no coolant at all in it until it felt warm when replacing a composite headgasket to help it set.
Anyone know nething about this?
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