84 Corolla=the big black round thing..(question=im clueless)

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84 Corolla=the big black round thing..(question=im clueless)

Postby ris4ray » Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:46 pm

84 Corolla=the big black round thing on top of the engine is the air intake... rite?

is it true you can replace that with a cylinder shaped filter thing?
if so whats the tech name, who can d it and how d ya do it,
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Postby thaphatty » Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:50 pm

yep, that big black thing holds the thing that cleans the air before it goes into your motor, your refering to a different shaped filter, which lets air get filtered faster/easier giving you somwhat more power
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Damn rite!!!

Postby ris4ray » Sun Oct 10, 2004 9:09 pm

DAMN RITE!!! whats it caled is there a fancy name for the differein shape filter? or is it "just a different filter? and how much would you expect 2 pay 4 1?
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Postby RedMist » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:15 am

They are called POD filters. Not a huge advantage over a paper element, and also require constant oiling in order to ensure that dirt doesn't get into the engine. Not a good move for a street machine.
I run a pod on my race car (a K&N) with a prefilter and oil it every race which is only a month or so apart and approximately 100-200k in length. These filters HAVE TO BE sticky wet with oil in order to function as designed, otherwise they filter with a much higer micron count than a paper element.

The answer is Helmholtz!

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Postby RunningRich » Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:31 am

By big round thing I guess you are saying your engine runs a carb?

84 Corolla, I guess that is a 4K motor?

If so you can't really fit a pod filter, and an aftermarket filter is a waste of time as it won't make more power. Just fit a new standard filter.
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