hey guys,
well heres the plan, i purchase a $&#$% FX-GT off trademe and have gone about removing the engine over hte weekend which i intend to clean up and strengthen using gZe internals etc, i know this conversion must be quite a common one but anyway i have a few questions. Firstly does anyone have a vacum line diagram of sum sort or know of which vaccum lines r unnessicary, meaning such things as air conditioning and stuff like that. will i need to make any mods to the cooling system from what i can see its a bit of a mess. Also is there anyway to get around buying a RWD inlet manufold and stick with the FWD one to save a bit of money, im not too sure about engine mounts yet as i am still looking out for a ke30 shell ( if anyones got one let me know) as for the gearbox i was thinking of using a celica quick-shift box does anyone know how strong these boxex are, anyway any information would be much appriciated