AE86 kit on AE82

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AE86 kit on AE82

Postby soopachargen » Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:08 pm

i have an ae82 fxgt that i have decided to keep and build up into a street/track car, i have been looking for bodykits for it but so far the least ricey and cleanest looking kits have been the J-blood and Crystal Body Yokohama kits.
Has anyone ever tried to fit/modify an 86 kit to go on an 82?? if so how much modification would i be looking at?? i am probably able to do the work myself as my old man is a boat builder and can easily aquire the materials required.
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Postby ChaosAD » Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:20 pm

If your old man is a boat builder then make one from scratch or from bits of other kits. You can make it out of almost anything (fibreglass, mdf, foam etc). Then you can make a mould of it and make as many as you want.

Thats what im doing for my ae82. I got myself a skyline front bodykit/bumper and am butchering my factory bumper and fitting bits of the skyline one to it along with other bits and pieces. ill then make a mold of it and then a couple of bumpers. (handy if your always wiping your front kit out on driveways/judderbars etc).

But if you dont want to get too carried away, the ae92 bumpers fit. You just have to drill a couple of holes where the bumper bolts onto the wheel arches/front gaurd.
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hachi nee

Postby soopachargen » Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:36 am

i like ur ideas chaos but im looking at styling it along the lines of the crystal body ae86, keep the oldskool 80's lines
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Postby Bast4rd » Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:14 am

how would you make a kit out of MDF?? id be really keen to know as i work with MDF for a job
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Postby jacko » Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:29 am

An MDF kit? why not make a big ass 4"x2" rear wing while yur at it
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Postby Lloyd » Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:46 am

Probably the basic shape out of light MDF and glass over it
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Postby soopachargen » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:44 pm

make moulds and shite out of mdf then build the kit out of glass,
anyway, back to the topic... anyone got any ideas?? if i wanted custom i would build myself but i like the ae86 kits from japan
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