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Postby Lanius » Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:36 am

Does it idle smoothly or roughly? Do you find the revs drop slowly until it finally cuts out, or does it only cut out when you've been moving?

Check vacuum hoses / pipes ... especially your intake pipe. Had a similar problem on my AE92 GZE ... was caused by a split in the back of the rubber intake pipe from the airbox to the throttle body.
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Postby Dr-X » Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:09 pm

Seriously, use the search button. Idle issues are dealt with time and time again.
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Postby FLAWLES » Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:36 pm

Dr-X wrote:Seriously, use the search button. Idle issues are dealt with time and time again.

stop F%^%kin post horing mang dont waste our freakin time buy saying that help the dude out

do wot lanius said cheek the rubber hoses around the t/b but it sound like a vacum leak??? r u runinng a boost gauge cheek if that has been hooked up right
mine done the oposite and reved its balls off cause i had a hole in the i/cooler " since its after the t/bodie "

but it does sound like a vacum leak
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Postby gtz666 » Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:23 pm

Check the afm out mine did the same sort of thing and was the afm.
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Postby Dr-X » Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:33 pm

FLAWLES wrote:
Dr-X wrote:Seriously, use the search button. Idle issues are dealt with time and time again.

stop F%^%kin post horing mang dont waste our freakin time buy saying that help the dude out

do wot lanius said cheek the rubber hoses around the t/b but it sound like a vacum leak??? r u runinng a boost gauge cheek if that has been hooked up right
mine done the oposite and reved its balls off cause i had a hole in the i/cooler " since its after the t/bodie "

but it does sound like a vacum leak

Hey, mate, suck this, ok? (I'm holding my groin right now, by the way)
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Postby vvega » Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:43 pm

lol suck what
you got no balls

Postby CITIZEN » Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:53 pm

Lanius wrote:Does it idle smoothly or roughly? Do you find the revs drop slowly until it finally cuts out, or does it only cut out when you've been moving?

it idles smooth on choke, but once the car is warmed up if i coast it at an intersection it fluctuates between about 300rpm and 1000rpm until it decides whether it wants to stop or not. wasnt doing it today but im sure its gonna happen again...

oh and DR_X, your name has been used time and time again but that didnt stop you from using it. whats your buzz anyway mate seems like you just like to get on peoples nerves
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