GT4 suspension

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Postby Lanius » Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:41 am

In answer to the original question, try looking into the Whiteline range of Celica suspension (from Aussie). Gets excellent reviews from people overseas ... very popular upgrade for "alltracks" in the USA.

Quite well priced too. They do adjustable sway bars, strut braces, springs, shocks, bushes etc. Apparently the shocks they use with the default kit are a bit soft, but you can pick and choose the parts you want. The most popular part is the adjustable rear sway bar, which apparently makes one hell of a difference.
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Postby Lunchie » Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:49 pm

I wrote them (whiteline) a letter with regards st185 gt-4 suspension and they said 2k would get me the works kit so i guess bout 2.5k all up installed and they have massivly good reviews
"The air is heavy with antisipation as cozmo revs, drops the clutch and...... stalls with the hand brake on"........ "cozmo's hand brake one, cozmo 0" ... hp?id=1201 <----Click to see real POWER :P
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Postby atmosports » Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:46 pm

It would be cheaper to buy the konis/bilsteins here than import them from the states & get them revalved, even if I did them without charging labour, I could still source then cheaper here or out of Oz. Tein Street's which replace their HA's are about $2500 all up which includes springs etc & lowers the car roughly 30mm, I can now source these direct from Tein & sell at competitive prices as I'm now an authorised Tein reseller.
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Postby matt dunn » Fri Dec 03, 2004 9:53 pm


Do you have the facilities to test spring rates on springs?
The last owner of mine kindly scratched off the ratings.

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Postby vvega » Fri Dec 03, 2004 9:58 pm

atmosports wrote:Well I only have only really ever brought the top of the range bilsteins & when I priced them direct from the US agents whom I have dealt with & get a good discount from it was essentially the same price as getting them here or from one of the OZ agents by the time you factored in time.
The cheapest bilsteins for a GT4 are B4 Gas & the fronts are listed as AUS$160

Yes I do have my own dyno, however chances are that I probably have to make up some clamps/brackets etc to run the vast majority of road car stuff on it.

Most people probably have never heard of my business as it's only been in the last month or so that I've actually done any outside/public work as most of my work before this has been development/manufacturing work for dirtbike components or else raceteam work for cars. I am currently in negiotiation with Tein with regards to becoming their NZ rebuilder as I have been appointed as a Tein reseller here.

congratulations mate
we have the bottom plate all drawn up on cad and i will make a few extras to throw your way if ya want em
3 of mine are damaged so far
so im guessing its a common issue


Postby atmosports » Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:18 pm

I've got a couple of them anyway(guessing they are all the same) out of some Tein Ha's I've got here which will probably never get put back together, I'm guessing it's a common problem due to bottoming as there is some marks on one of mine that look strangely like the bottom of the damping rod/shaft, could be wrong it is something I'll probably talk more with the guys at Tein about once my contact there get back to Japan in the New year

I can only test linear/straight rate springs at the moment as I need to finish off my spring rate tester to enable me to measure over a greater length to do progressive springs, will hopefullybe something that I get round to over christmas if time allows.
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