changing oil

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changing oil

Postby CITIZEN » Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:47 am

when changing brands do i just drain and refill or do i have to flush it with something first? gonna buy magnatec too is it any good or is it just to suck people like me in?
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Postby mr pad » Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:29 pm

I dont trust that flush stuff. Heard too many bad things
but did use on my 4age a couple of times when I first
got the car and switched oil types. I understand it can
take away some of the protective coating of carbon in
your engine and take little metal flakes for a trip around
your engine in the process.
Metal flakes = bad. Magnatec = Good. 4age loved it.
Also dont forget to change oil and filter every 5000kms.
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Postby Leon » Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:39 pm

I found changing my older (as in 1984) 4AGE onto synthetic made it leak like a sieve. Never used engine flush myself, so can't say if it is good or bad.

SR20's are legendary for top end oil problems unless they get regular services - which they tend not to have gotten in Japan.
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Postby Dr-X » Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:40 pm

Adamal wrote:I've seen an SR20DE that was overdue for a change and the oil lines to the cam lobes were all blocked up. The lobes felt like sand paper!!!

Those engines are NOTORIOUS for blocked oil passges, leading to dead engines.
Last edited by Dr-X on Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Adamal » Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:09 pm

Dr-X wrote:
Adamal wrote:I've seen an SR20DE that was overdue for a change and the oil lines to the cam lobes were all blocked up. The lobes felt like sand paper!!!

Those engines are NOTORIOUS for blocked oil passges, leading to dead engines.

Yup. They even said in the NZPC 2005 year book that "rumour has it" they block up. "Rumour" my $&#$% ass, they DO!
Service them regularly and should be fine though. Its just people that think "Oh, it'll be fine for a couple thousand more" that cause them to crap out!
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Postby myk00l » Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:05 am

Adamal wrote:I've seen an SR20DE that was overdue for a change and the oil lines to the cam lobes were all blocked up. The lobes felt like sand paper!!!

I've got an SR18DE in my GTi Pulsar and it's still going fine at 265,000 km. It's all up to how you look after your engine. It had 87,000 km on it when I purchased it. I do oil changes every 10,000 km.

I either use STP engine flush and haven't had any problems with it, usually put an engine flush in every second oil change.

Or there is the cheaper more dodgy, time consuming engine flush I do. Empty oil, leave oil filter on, using the equivalent amount of diesel as you would use oil fill up your engine, run for between 30s and 60s. RUN AT IDLE ONLY, DON'T REV IT. Diesel is a lubricant in its own right and it has detergents in it. You will still have oil protecting the metal parts providing lubrication for a short period. I usually empty out the diesel and refill with cheap oil ($10 warehouse oil, can be used more than once) and run the engine briefly to remove the last of the diesel, then drain out the cheap oil, change the filter and add new oil. It definitely removes a lot of crap that would otherwise remain in the engine. My oil usually doesn't start to look dirty until about 7,000 km.

Note: At 265,000 km my engine doesn't use, burn or leak oil and never has.

Works a treat for me, but I'm no mechanic, don't try it yourself and blame me for any problems you may incur.
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Postby CITIZEN » Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:55 am

well my car is a gze. stinks real bad when you been raping it and even when you havent. definately due for a change and im going long distance driving soon so i figure i better get it done
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Postby Dr-X » Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:18 pm

4 oil changes a year is a little excessive, but in saying that, they're cheap and it's not something that can be done 'too often'. I do the filter every time, they're what, like 8 bucks or something?
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Postby evil_si » Sat Dec 18, 2004 1:19 am

im a mechanic and i dont believe in just the oil, or just the filter services, personally its just a cheap have,

id rather spend the little extra and do it properly,
i service my gze every 5000k and run 0w40 full synthetic
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Postby kingcorolla » Sat Dec 18, 2004 3:50 am

yea fukn ya. wats a oil without a fdilter??
its like an q without a u ..?

or lik a cat witout a feed!
fuk id unoo!!>

shit i gota feed ma cat! u no wat i meen.
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Postby CITIZEN » Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:46 pm

true forgot bout the filter. how do you change that? dont you need a special tool to remove it?
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Postby kingcorolla » Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:56 pm

oil filters are only ment to be on 'handtight' despite belief, so sometimes you can screw them off manually, but if its too tight just wham a screwdriver throught the side to loosen it.

dont forget to smear the seal with oil/grease before installing :wink:
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