i think my head gasket might be blowen because
the radiator will not pressureise
at idle but when you rev the engine and hold it at about 5000 water starts comming out of the over flow pipe
the (ND) radiator cap seems fine and is only about 6 months old
the top tank is about 3 years old and looks fine
ive tried a cap of my mates car but it does the same thing i dont have a pressure tester to test the cap propperly
i replaced the head gasket 70,000km ago with a toyota one and had the head mechined
the car hasent overheated as far as i know
i cant see any water comming out the exhaust and the oil looks fine
what would be a nother test to do
were can you buy them testers that tell you if there is exhaust gasses in the radiator or not
repco dosent have them