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Postby Silent Knight » Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:57 pm

Just by letting the car flow better and upgrading the ECU you will definately notice an increase in power. If subaru ecu's are anything like toyota's ones then dnt ever bother thinking about a chip.

Spend the money on the decent link computer and get the car properly tuned. You'd be surprised at the difference that makes.
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Postby Lunchie » Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:59 pm

sweet as then its decided

3inch zaust
Coldair intake
link ecu
gas shocks
lowering springs

What should this cost me all installed and tuned?
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Postby Silent Knight » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:00 pm

Depends entirely on wich brands you go for and who you get to install and tune it all....
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Postby Lunchie » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:02 pm

Silent Knight wrote:Depends entirely on wich brands you go for and who you get to install and tune it all....

what would a good price be if i used well named parts etc?
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Postby SilverTe » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:04 pm

No offence but is it really worth spending all that money on a gt legacy. They are probably worth less than $5k to buy now days. Why not sell it and buy something better and newer which will be more reliable. Subarus arent the cheapest to maintaine especially once they get old
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:04 pm

The Subaru 'plug-in' style chips are actually quite good, just avoid ones some idiot has made by downloading a file and using his EPROM burner to make a chip. Those do your engine more harm than good.

You will find Subaru has a good range of piggyback chips for older GT's/RS's, and it is going to cost you 1/8 the price of a Link (which is a waste of money with minimal mods in my opinion).
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Postby Dr-X » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:06 pm

FMIC - get a decent Hybrid cooler or similar from trademe, maybe $500ish. Allow $700-$1000 for a good installation, or about $200-$300 to do it yourself

Exhuast - custom from any good exhaust shop, anywhere from $500-$1000

Air instake - DIY, $30 in parts

Link ECU, not too sure, $1500ish installed :?:

Shocks and springs - $1000-$1500 all up.
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Postby Lunchie » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:17 pm

that ecu sure is pricey and it probly would do the least in terms of perfomance maybe ill try and get a chip through subaru or just leave it as is....
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Postby Silent Knight » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:21 pm

Yep Mr-X is basically bang on there :wink:

About $1500 for IC and plumbing (pm evil_si for this as he can take care of that for you at a very cheap price and his work is very reliable)
Exhaust allow for up to $800 plus minus (evil_si can do this aswell)

Link ECU around the $1500 mark installed. (Get it dyno tuned after installation for the most effecient mapping)

Springs+Shocks say bout the $600-$700 mark per corner for gud quality adjustables and springs.

Intake is piece of piss really you just need a gud quality filter and the pipe (and again pm evil_si)
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Postby AE85coupe » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:22 pm

why not get a manual gearbox while you at it?
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:25 pm

Yup, the link's cost around $2500 all up and running in some cases.

I have been in a few Legacy's like your's in my time, everyone used to want/have one. Subaru Motorsport NZ tunes and burns a range of chips, depending on what you are after. The are around $400-$600 from memory and give great gains, plus get rid of those annoying 190km speed cuts.

They are basically as easy as plugging in to your exisiting ECU, since they come pre-tuned.
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Postby Lunchie » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:33 pm

pervert wrote:Yup, the link's cost around $2500 all up and running in some cases.

I have been in a few Legacy's like your's in my time, everyone used to want/have one. Subaru Motorsport NZ tunes and burns a range of chips, depending on what you are after. The are around $400-$600 from memory and give great gains, plus get rid of those annoying 190km speed cuts.

They are basically as easy as plugging in to your exisiting ECU, since they come pre-tuned.

whats the real story with cold air intakes cos ive heard that if u just get a filter on a pipe then it will suck in hot air from the engine bay....and end up doing stuff all
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:36 pm

Personally, I think that you are better just getting a K&N replacement filter, unless you are going to build a big cool air intake to the POD, or put it outside the engine bay.

The amount of difference it is really going to make either way in a real life driving situation like you are going to be doing in minimal, and I have had great results from K&N's time and time again.

This is all just my personal opinion, I cannot confirm this all as fact.
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:38 pm

Go to Magoo Mufflers on Kind Edward Street for your exhaust, I have spent thousands there and think they do a great job.

They should be able to do a full exhaust system with a stainless muffler for around $500, maybe even make up some headers for another $500. At any rate, they are great, I have sent about 6-7 cars there now.
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Postby Lunchie » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:48 pm

pervert wrote:Go to Magoo Mufflers on Kind Edward Street for your exhaust, I have spent thousands there and think they do a great job.

They should be able to do a full exhaust system with a stainless muffler for around $500, maybe even make up some headers for another $500. At any rate, they are great, I have sent about 6-7 cars there now.

so you can just buy filters that fit into the original air box? ones that are better than stock?.... how much are they cos if its not much i will buy one soon... like this weekend....

Do they do much or do they just make it louder?
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:50 pm

Lunchie wrote:so you can just buy filters that fit into the original air box?

Yup, K&N do a pod filter range, and a replacement filter range.
Go into any K&N agent, and ask for replacement K&N for your engine model. Should be between $100-$150, and you just bin your old filter, and slot the new one in. They utilise your factory airbox while supposedly flowing whatever percent (maybe 50% I think is the gimmick) more air than the standard filter.

Added bonus is that if you like dusty/dirty driving they are washable.
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:54 pm

They really do rock.

They are cool like a fool in a s-s-sw-sw-swimming pool...
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Postby Lunchie » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:55 pm

do u have to oil them all the fking time? and are they any louder than stock?
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:57 pm

They make induction noise, as you would expect when it is flowing more air.

I have never oiled any of mine, just hosed them out, you don't HAVE to do anything in life...
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Postby pervert » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:00 pm

Its one of the best first modifications you can do performance-wise from stock. More air in, more air out...
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