4agte idling

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4agte idling

Postby Dori_85 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:43 pm

hey, i just got my 4agte running with a microtech ecu the other weekend, it definetly needs fine tuning for fuel etc but at the moment its idling at about 2000rpm roughly. i was told it could be the water heating system in the throttle body causeing it to idle so high, is this a possibility?
i havnt had the car up to and decent water temp yet, so maybe itll idle better when its warm. just interested to know if this is common in 4a's etc.
or could it be something else?

current: s14 silvia k's.
previous: ae85 levin 4agte, rt84 corona, kp61 starlet.
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Postby terrytuffguy » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:15 pm

Hey, what is your setup?

You adjusted the idle screw on the throttle body to let less air through? Made sure your timing is around 15degrees? Calibrated your tps sensor? The microtech holds the idle settings if it detects your TPS is at 0%. So don't bother fine tunning your idle settings till your calibrated ur tps.
My 4AG powered starlet puts out 227rwkw & 12.39 @ 115mph........ YEA RIGHT, Tui.
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Postby Dori_85 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:31 pm

i remember a post from somewhere showing a pic of your engine bay at ruapuna, and someone on here knew that it was yours. id like to see it in person eh.

current: s14 silvia k's.
previous: ae85 levin 4agte, rt84 corona, kp61 starlet.
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