Yeah those are some pretty big pics, I had to change my resolution to 1280x1024 just so I could see most of the pic in one go!
Interesting to note you have placed the AFM after the intercooler though, how does it go and what's the lag like?
abit of lag but lags all good.. goes damn hard on 10psi. installing extra injector into it so hoping for 15-16psi . sorry bout pics, maybe someone can resize em . simon did all the work on it; did a good job 2 apart from a few things that popped up
ok u know that thing at very back in the 3rd pic from the bottom, and the pipe runs to the front and then goes down, im guessing thats ur filter (yes im a noob) if i get something like that on me ae111 will it be good??? where abouts does the pipe go when it goes down at the front (man im even confusing myself now........) sorry