Putting a GL ke70 dash cluster, into a 81 ke70 ?????????

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Putting a GL ke70 dash cluster, into a 81 ke70 ?????????

Postby Harry Landkroon » Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:00 pm

i would like to put a GL dash cluster (has rev counter),
into a 81ke70 wagon.
I know that physically it will fit.
How can I match the wiring colours???

please help me.
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Postby z|gen » Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:33 pm

if you have the wiring manuals for both, it should be just a case of splicing the looms or even just a case of changing both the looms over ?
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Postby kingcorolla » Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:17 pm

its accually cuntier than you think.

you have to wire up seperate tach feeds, which AFAIK stock is resisted current, but could be resisted in the cluster, not sure.

i had a mate that tryed the same thing, drove him crazy trying to convert. I havent tryed it myself.

and yes, you have to trace wire locations due to the different colour wires.

my advice, just get an inconspicuous aftermarket tacho and save yourself the hassle.
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Postby Me_19588 » Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:21 pm

Well when i put a gl dash cluster in my 83 ke70 sedan it was a simple plug in job, just pull the old one out and put the new one in using the same plugs they all fit, then in the engine bay theres is a extra black wire hanging round the coil comes straight out of loom, not from dizzy, just hook that up to negative side of dizzy and away u go (alot of people have this hooked up anyway when not running gl dash)

I have an 81 and 83 dash in the shed and icheck to see in the plugs are the same for u if they are it is a 30 minutes job tops.

(just a hint it pays to replace any non working dash lights at this time as u already have the dash out)
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Postby kingcorolla » Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:33 pm

huh, well there you go.

i gotta learn to not believe everything i hear. :roll:
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Postby matt dunn » Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:14 pm


there are two types of rev counter dash's.

I fitted on to my 1980 DX and the plugs were all different.

It was not too bad to modify. Just a matter of pulling all the pins out of the plugs and inserting them in the right place in the new plugs.

All the wires were there though, even the memory for the digital click etc the new dash had.

So, no not all dash just plug in,

oh, aqnd by the way, some of the facia's are different too so you may end up with a gap between the glass of the dash and the plastic that goes over it.

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