by Stealer Of Souls » Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:07 am
yeah... didn't think so...
This is first design decision.
If I use a core with greater mass then the initial cooling should be better, but it may impede the overall cooling during continuous operation. But this will depend on the core material too. If it's got a high thermal conductivity it probably won't matter.
A lower mass core will have less initial cooling capability, but during extended use will provide slightly better cooling.
But on the flip side of all this, it might not matter depending how I shape/design everything. The easiest (and possible most effective) is to do what you've done Gary and just encase an AA IC. But I'm thinking this will have a greater pressure drop across the core, and the shape of it could be prohibitive as I stuff more stuff into the engine bay. At the moment I have plenty of room, but it's all a bit irregular.
The Toymods thread had some good points. It was talking about an off-the-shelf item, and someone was saying that they'd bought it and it wasn't working very well. I think the cooler they were discussing is the same basic design I was going to go for. But I'm not sure as i haven't looked it up yet...