AE85 Notchback rally car

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AE85 Notchback rally car

Postby crispy'86 » Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:31 pm

After going to Timaru and getting taken for a spin in rally car i've got the racing bug (more like motivation to fix fxgt). Plans i have is to turn my ae85 shell into a rally car with the following package:
4AGE slightly modded: extractors possibly, cams, head work
T50/W55 G/Box
TE71/AE86 Diff with 4.8 ratio
and usual race seat, bels, rollcage
Anyone have any advice what's the best (and not so best) set-up to go for suspension wise?
Would be used mainly for gravel events and possibility of asphalt hillclimbs
1983 Trueno Ae86 ( project), 92 HSV Clubbie. 2000 Fielder wagon
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Postby fangsport » Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:35 pm

looks like i need to be careful as to who i strap in beside me!!!!

stiff front, soft rear until you get the lie of the's a very forgiving set up!!!
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Postby wde_bdy » Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:08 pm

Just my opinion, others may disagree.
If you can find something suitable, buy rather than build especially for a first car. That way you can get straight into driving and just tweak the car, rather than starting totally from scratch. Means less investment up front too hopefully.

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Postby RS13 » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:59 am

$&#$% yeah, there's some cheap, already well-sorted cars in the SpeedSport magazine, thats where I'd go if I wanted to jump into things.

Don't spend far too much $$ and time sorting your car out, buy something cheap with the money already spent on it. There are a few AE86's in the mags I have, going from $6000 for a standard not-road-legal AE86 with decent suspension, motor, cage etc, to $10,000 for a road-legal version of the same thing. But then, there's RS Legacys and the like for around that price too.. it just comes down to what you want!
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Postby Leon » Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:37 am

definitely buy rather than build.

My club car owes me easily $7-8k, and I would be lucky to get $5k for it if I sold it.
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85 rally car

Postby crispy'86 » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:14 pm

Well maybe it could be cheaper to build? Cause i have most of the bits to bolt on to the chassis etc. Buying i wouldn't spend anymore than $5000 at the absolute max. The only reason i will do the '85 is because the shell is already there and not doing alot with it. Got guards etc to go onto it but this will be a slow build up as budget can't go to buying car outright.
I see you r guys point though
1983 Trueno Ae86 ( project), 92 HSV Clubbie. 2000 Fielder wagon
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Postby pc » Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:55 pm

Here's my guess at building a car on the cheapish

cage $1000
seats $1000
belts $700
wheels & tyres $1000 (if cheap)
engine/exhaust/intake mods $2000 (if cheap)
suspension $1500
other things you don't think of $2000

total $9200 plus cost of car

Buying a ready made one is a bit cheaper :)
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Postby vvega » Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:17 pm

here is my call on it

cage if you do it yourself = 400
race seat(you only need one) 500 bucks
belt 200 (for cheap one)
wheels keep the sock rims and just get good tyres so 800 bucks
supension 5-600 for some seciond hand stuff
good tune up on engine to make it reliable 400 bucks

so thats

so 2900 bucks or about to get you into racing providing you have the car to begin with

or you could just buy a cheap car and do non cage events and just do tyres/ suspenion and seats/ harnesses
and have a go.....

your not gunna be competative straight off
and lots of power wont teach you how to drive

hope that ghelps

Postby pc » Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:29 pm

He said RALLY car. That means 2 seats, 2 sets of belts, 2kg fire extinguisher, first aid kit... and probably lots of other stuff I can't remember.
Cages should only be attempted by people who are really good at that sort of thing. I don't know how many DIYs get turned down for homolagation (Leon?) but I wouldn't bother half assing it as the cleanup work would probably be expensive enough.

On the other hand, yes If just looking at doing local clubsport events then the start price is very cheap... warranted car with 1kg extinguisher is all that is required.
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Postby pc » Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:33 pm

Hey! whats up with the auto editor in this thing? I said h-o-m-o-l-o-g-a-t-i-o-n sp?
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Postby crispy'86 » Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:27 pm

Yep, i got race seat lined up one for now anyway. Got a 4age and T50 etc in my stockpile of bits aswell as suspension to go into it so all i realy need to get is rollcage made to suit car.
If u read further up it says i have all bits ready to bolt up as far as running gear and suspension
1983 Trueno Ae86 ( project), 92 HSV Clubbie. 2000 Fielder wagon
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Postby crispy'86 » Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:35 pm

[quote="fangsport"]looks like i need to be careful as to who i strap in beside me!!!!

Yep i did say i was going to get my FX sorted and look into getting a rally car so.............about time i did something with all these cars of mine doing nothing
1983 Trueno Ae86 ( project), 92 HSV Clubbie. 2000 Fielder wagon
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Postby solberg Fan » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:30 am

What about intercom, trip computer, helmet, race suit and boots, athority card, licence, log book, and a LVV plate with the suspension work your going to be doing? :?
Its not as cheep as it sounds.
But dont let anything put you off like me! Ive had my car for over a year and still havnt done any events in it....
Do a bit of reasurch before you decide to jump into it. :wink:
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Postby GT4 20 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:17 am

Cheap and rallying aren't usually mentioned in the same sentence. My advice is don't skimp on safety equipment. ie - no cheap roll cage, no cheap belts, no cheap seats etc. 2 navigators on the last Targa ended up with broken backs after crashing out. Speculation was that the seats broke. Obviously not good. The only thing between you and serious injury and death if you have a major off is the above. Not worth being tight fisted on these items.
I've lost count of how much $ I've spent on my build so far - and I've only just begun!
A lot of this isn't necessary for basic competition use, but the safety aspects are still the same. Get the best cage you can afford. It could be one of the best investments you ever made. And only attempt to make it yourself if you know exactly what you're doing. It's not as simple as welding a few tubes together :wink:
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Postby Leon » Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:50 pm

Yes. What he just said about cages.

Only do it yourself if you are a cage builder 8O

You can get good seats and harnesses without spending silly money these days, as the market is so competitive. If you can, get a seat with the FIA8855 safety standard approval. This will tell you that the seat is specifically designed and tested as being a race seat. Otherwise, you might just end up buying a seat that looks like a race seat, and was built cheapo rather than strong.

My build budget was around $5k too ... I missed that amount by quite a lot! Despite theoretically knowing all the related costs. Sigh.

Also add in cage padding, lots of paint, various high tensile bolts, a fire extinguisher etc etc
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85 rally car

Postby crispy'86 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:39 pm

Yep got a few people that can advise me what seats etc to get so no problem there. thanks for your input though. All of it helps
1983 Trueno Ae86 ( project), 92 HSV Clubbie. 2000 Fielder wagon
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Postby fangsport » Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:59 pm

word of warning. only buy new seats and belts, unless you trust the previous owner VERY well.

there are plenty of them about that have been sold that should have been crushed or cut due to the fact they have been in major crashes.
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Postby crispy'86 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:07 pm

Yep thanks Joe. As i heard in the weekend i'm not cutting costs with belts or seats. I have access to brand new seat still wrapped up not been used yet and i'll get new belts. They are the safety aspect i'm not going to be stingy with, nothing second hand in that department
1983 Trueno Ae86 ( project), 92 HSV Clubbie. 2000 Fielder wagon
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Postby vvega » Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:56 pm

Leon wrote:Yes. What he just said about cages.

Only do it yourself if you are a cage builder 8O

You can get good seats and harnesses without spending silly money these days, as the market is so competitive. If you can, get a seat with the FIA8855 safety standard approval. This will tell you that the seat is specifically designed and tested as being a race seat. Otherwise, you might just end up buying a seat that looks like a race seat, and was built cheapo rather than strong.

My build budget was around $5k too ... I missed that amount by quite a lot! Despite theoretically knowing all the related costs. Sigh.

Also add in cage padding, lots of paint, various high tensile bolts, a fire extinguisher etc etc

i guess at the end of the day the end price will be a result of what your own abilitys are

i think thats a fair comment


Postby passenger pete » Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:03 am

Hey crispy best of luck with doing ya rally car it can be frustrating building up a car but it will be worth the wait.
I just finished my trueno 86 but still need"s belts and some tyres and get a competition licence, feel free to have a look one night if ya want.
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