(posting on behalf of a mate)
he bought a 82 corolla sprinter (ae70) on saturday that has had a 2t-geu put into it. it would randomly die when idling and acts like its a 1200cc for some reason (slow!). anyway, over the next few days it all got worse and now the engine cuts out when he is driving along sometimes and doesnt want to start up again for 10mins. when it cuts out and he tries starting again the starter motor just goes but nothing else will happen. sometimes it sounds like it starts for a second (exhaust is loud) but then dies again. why is this happening? hes going to get it tuned today. this guy changed the idle speed on it so now it doesnt cut out when idling, instead it does it when you drive along (this happened before and after the idle speed was played with)
also when driving along it hardout jumps like its about to die, only seem to do that below 4000rpm tho
any help appreciated, thanks