4agze to 4age?

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4agze to 4age?

Postby scape » Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:09 pm

Ive recently purchased a 4agze motivated ee101 corolla...
problem is the s/c is on the way out and after lookin around ive discovered theyre as rare as hens teeth and no-one in Auckland rebuilds them.

After 2-3 weeks of research im thinkin the best bet is to replace the whole engine with a silver/blacktop...considering reliability, saleability and the knowledge that i know more about what the new engine has done (along with warranty, etc)...

Problem is im not entirely sure what 4agze ive got with respect to afm/map...
I was led to believe the engine is out of an ae92 and from what ive found these came out with both map and afm...so far the only distinguishing info ive got is that the earlier afm engines used a distributor as opposed to the latter map engines which used twin coil?...this correct?

So potentialy it still could come down to a change from map to afm or vice versa dependn on what engine i replace it with so...
how big a job to change from 1 to the other?...any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
Bearing in mind itll be done professionaly, are there any shops in the Auckland area which have experience with this type of conversion?

Ive priced up the parts for the silvertop conversion and found it to be within budget but kinda comes down to weather its gona need rewiring etc... so any help/info would be great


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Postby t0ms » Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:18 pm

in retrospect whether it has a map or afm is neglegable as you will likely have to replace the computer anyways and if your looking at a 20 valve motor you will most likely have to swap the loom as well

have you investigated the potential of swapping the s/c for a turbo or advertised on here for a s/c unit as alot of the guys do the s/c to turbo swap and im sure someone must still have a s/c loafing round somewhere....

a swap from the gze to a 16 valve would prob be a bit easier as i would think they would run a similar loom (don't quote me on this though)

hope this is of some help
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Postby 1598cc » Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:19 pm

um just buy my supercharger.. 180$ cause im owning a 40$ parking ticket and have no $ at present 8O
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Postby evil_si » Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:23 pm

these blowers are available cheap, and generally for sale on trademe all the time, usually under 300

there is a workshop that rebuilds them in auckland, but i cant remember who it is, and it isnt cheap.

for around $2500 you could turbo it. :lol:
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Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:13 am

they are getting hard to find....

if you find otu who rebuilds them, let me know...
that place is like the loch ness monster... pll claim to have seen it, but they cant prove it...

to answer your question....
change the pistons and you have n/a internals :D

but if you really dont want boost anymore, sell the 4agze and replace with 20v. you can get $1500 for a good 4agze loom and ecu.
the 20v equivalant is $750ish....
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Postby Zero_Cool » Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:53 am

8O This must be the most original post ever isn't always pple trying to change 4age into 4agze?
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Postby Fandango » Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:45 pm

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Postby AE85.6 » Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:11 pm

i didnt think an of the AE92's came with the map sensor engine ? i thought they were all the AFM one but i could be wrong, if you do the swap cheapest option would be to replace it with another 16v as 20v will need alot more wiring work, but if you are keen to get rid of the ze engine "cough cough" how much would you be looking for it ;) ???

fandango, that link to trademe did you put it there it says has a supercharger package to fit to a 4age for cheap, sounds like fun could be interested too
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Postby Fandango » Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:28 pm

yeah it aint my supercharger, just spotted it there. 8)
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Postby scape » Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:49 pm

thanks for all the info...

heres what ive discovered over the last few weeks...

yeah, there are a few 2nd hand units out there but after talkin to the closest thing to a sc rebuilder he advised me not to bother gettin one unless it came with some kind of warranty as the chances of gettin ripped where pretty good...(not to suggest any irreputability of any members but theres no telling it aint gona go the way of the last s/c...u know what im sayin...)

with regards to rebuilding... the closest this place got to rebuilding was replacing the s/c clutch (around 700-800 just for the clutch)...they knew of no-one in Auckland who rebuilt them and they were recommended by numerous workshops i contacted...

another option was replacin the s/c 12 with s/c 14 out of a toyota crown...which has apparently been done before with good results and more boost potential...so i was told
these are available 2nd hand for bout 500 but the workshop i spoke to who had them hadnt done the conversion themselves and had no idea how much modification was required to fit....

looked at turbsin it too but it gona take a bit of custom fabricating,etc to get it all fittin sweet...(ee101 remember...not much room as it is...)
and also the cost was a little offputting when compared to a complete engine swap....($2500 seems a little light for this kind of job...) for example i got quoted "at least" $4000 using brand new turbo, cooler, etc...
Sure if i got 2nd hand parts and fabricated manifold, pipework, cooler myself i could get it done on a shoestring budget ....but im wanting an end product with receipts for saleability and peace of mind...I also dont have access to that kind of equipment at this point in time....

so thats where im at...

any further comments welcome

though question still stands as to who/where the best place to get this kinda thing done.... am i better off avoiding tuneshops and just finding a good mechanic?

and yeah, if/when the conversion is a sure thing the ze will most likely be up for sale...so let the bidding begin...hahaha :lol: :wink:
Ill let u know...

thanks all

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Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:44 pm

sc14 is more like $3-400 i know of 2 for sale in that range now
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Postby Dell'Orto » Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:48 pm

scape wrote:$2500 seems a little light for this kind of job...) for example i got quoted "at least" $4000 using brand new turbo, cooler, etc...
Sure if i got 2nd hand parts and fabricated manifold, pipework, cooler myself i could get it done on a shoestring budget ....but im wanting an end product with receipts for saleability and peace of mind...I also dont have access to that kind of equipment at this point in time....

$4k??? All you really need is a turbo and mani, and intercooler, and a couple of oil and water lines made up...shop around man!
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