HEL:, Linkplus wiring to standard 4agze igniter

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HEL:, Linkplus wiring to standard 4agze igniter

Postby JonZ » Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:07 pm

Hi guys hopefully someone can help out with this...

I have a linkplus being used to run an ae92 4agze and need to find out which 2 wires on the standard igniter to connect the 2 ignition drive wires from the linkplus.
(the only info from Link I have recieved is for their standard "Link Two Channel Igniter" which isn't too helpful)
There are two plugs on the igniter: a 5 pin & a 2 pin, the 2 pin wires are fine as that's not being touched, but the 5 pin wires I'm not 100% sure of what each one is.
Looking at a standard ECU pinout diagram found on the net, there are three wires going to/from the Igniter
1. IGD (black/orange)
2. IGF (black/yellow)
3. IGT (Black)

the other two are:
1: +12ve supply (black/orange)
2: tacho signal (black)

Problem is I'm not sure what the IGD/IGF/IGT do (supply pulse/return signl etc.??)
does any one have this info that they could share? has anyone installed a link plus into an ae92 (or ae101 if the ignition system is the same) that they could check out and let me know what wires go where?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
so far the only advise is hook it up and hope.....which I'd rather not do! :)

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Postby sergei » Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:03 am

1. IGD - Determines which coil to fire - IGNITER INPUT
2. IGF - Feed Back Pulse from Igniter to ECU (Spark cofirmation) - IGNITER OUTPUT
3. IGT - Trigger Pulse - To trigger Igniter to Fire - IGNITER INPUT
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Postby JonZ » Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:51 pm

cheers man that should do the trick, hopefully it should be running next weekend!
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Postby Tukumi » Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:31 pm

Hope this helps.

AE85 4AGTE, 11.9@115mph <--Watch this space 229kw at the wheels ***sold***

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