MMmm Just installed my Kappas :)

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MMmm Just installed my Kappas :)

Postby Malcolm » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:49 pm

I finally got my arse around the finishing the install on my Infinity Kappa 6.5" components. I have to say, these are some of the nicest sounding components I've heard :) Certainly there are supposedly many better ones out there (Focal, Rainbow etc) but these were around $350 IIRC (bought them a year ago), and they sound so sweet :) They do have a slight harshness in the treble at higher volumes, like most metal dome tweeters I've heard, but I'm still very happy. I have them running off an old Philips amp, seems to do the trick nicely.
Also the mounting gear that comes with them (esp, for the tweeter) is very useful. I would have to highly recommend these to anyone who isn't an extreme SQ nut but still want nice speakers to listen to :)
Now I just have to get my arse into gear and make some boxes for the audiobahn subs :)
Image (the other side looks the same)
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:56 pm

If you haven't done already, cover the utility holes in your doors - those infinities will sound even better!
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Postby Malcolm » Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:01 pm

yeah I was thinking about that. Did it in my Celica a few years ago but it was a big pain in the arse, took ages and I didn't notice a huge improvement. What's the easiest way to do it? On my celica I made fibreglass panels for the big holes and silicon on small ones
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:22 pm

Yes its time consuming, but essentially you want the speakers to run in a semi-sealed enclosure instead of free-air which they are now.

Use treated 4.5/6mm mdf to cover the big holes and aluminium tape to cover the small ones.

Sound deadening helps as well :)

Example - on Fyboys trueno, we sound deadened the inner and outer door panels and then we cover up the utility holes. We then had the car shaking with the factory 15w speakers and the aftermarket tapedeck in the car!
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:14 pm

explain these 'utility holes' to n00b me :) (please)
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:18 pm

those holes where you can access the window of the door and any lock mechanisms and rear of the door handle..

take trim off and behind the plastic weather shield there are usually large holes in the doors.. your home speakers don't have large holes in them - neither should your doors.
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:22 pm

ah good point...
so is it best to fill everything or make a pod-type-box thing behind the actual speaker?
speaker enclosures shouldnt be made from sheetmetal either!! :roll:
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:32 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:ah good point...
so is it best to fill everything or make a pod-type-box thing behind the actual speaker?
speaker enclosures shouldnt be made from sheetmetal either!! :roll:

Ideally it would be best to make a box for the speaker perfectly aligned to the speaker specifications to max out performance. Unfortunately, its very hard to do that because of the space restrictions inside the door.

Building a fibreglass box inside the door is best, though very challenging. So instead we make the door into a semi sealed enclosure to ensure the speaker performs better in the semi sealed environment. Hence, covering the utility holes.

you shuold be able to understand better with these pictures:

Plain Door

Flyboy putting in the hard yards

Finished Door
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:36 pm

jebus! is that all Ali tape?
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Postby Malcolm » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:40 pm

it's probably a bitumen based sound deadener :)
Problem with doing all that is it's a PITA if you have to replace glass, window mechanisms, motors etc
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:40 pm

its sound deadening.. the big hole that you can see flyboy putting his arm into has 4.5mm mdf siliconed into place. It is covered in paint to ensure that moisture is kept out of the mdf..

the speakers in the doors are 15w factory speakers. The car was thumping hard with the speakers and music was greatly improved.

Sound Deadening = $100 (inner door covering, outer door covering to stop resonance of metal)
Wood = $5
Time = 4 hours to do the job properly.
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Postby Malcolm » Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:45 pm

can I just say, that's the biggest "utility" hole i've ever seen 8O
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Postby DeeCee » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:08 pm

Nissan Pulsars have bigger! :o
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