What are these throttle bodies (pic)?

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Postby fivebob » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:16 pm

anthonym wrote:Another related question,

Does anybody know what throttle bodies Bill Sherwood used on his Fraser?
There is a pic in the bottom RH corner of this page.

Looks like they could be Lumenition ones, there should be some ad's in those magazines I lent you. :wink:

**EDIT** Nevermind I was looking at the wrong pic &**@^E# browser stopped halfway down the page :evil:
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Postby fivebob » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:24 pm

fivebob wrote:
anthonym wrote:Another related question,

Does anybody know what throttle bodies Bill Sherwood used on his Fraser?
There is a pic in the bottom RH corner of this page.

Looks like they could be Lumenition ones, there should be some ad's in those magazines I lent you. :wink:

Or I could just stop being a lazy bastard and look for the ad myself... try http://www.autocar-electrical.com/
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Postby vvega » Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:18 pm

i do have to ask how dose a flow bench show flow quality ;D
im taking your talking tumble and swirl :D


throttle bodies

Postby Celica RA45 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:28 pm

that pic with the fwd beams head have motec throttles on it ,its a pic of my 1st head way back in 99 .bill is using some short after market 1s the TRD inlet with quads are 45 mm black top 1s .my altezza motor is using 47mm 1s at the moment and im in motion of casting up some to go to 50mm ,or 48mm or 45 they will be a complete copy of the 20valves 1s still havnt worked out any prices as of yet ,so please dont hassle me on these
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Postby matt dunn » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:40 pm

anthonym wrote:Another related question,

Does anybody know what throttle bodies Bill Sherwood used on his Fraser?
There is a pic in the bottom RH corner of this page.

Not 100% sure but the look exactly the same as the ones dad has put on his GT40.

Dads got his off Brad Jones V8 Supercar team when he was working with them in Oz.

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Postby matt dunn » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:43 pm

Mr Revhead wrote:another tangent....

talked before about the size, any estimates as to the hp these t/bs can support
i know theres some serious (500hp+) engines out there running them

Our new car has silvertop ones on a custom manifold and we are aiming for 600hp,

But then we are using 6 of them, so 100 hp each should be well within there limits.

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Postby anthonym » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:48 am

fivebob wrote:Poor unloved thing, even the westies don't like it, they'd prefer my CrummyDoor :cry:

Not the westies I had in mind ;)

Ooops seems I've taken another tangent :oops: May as well add another. Have you by chance got a Gen III head lurking around that I could measure up, of course it needs to be turbo coz everyone knows the NA heads are different :wink:

Sadly no. I sold my spare gen 3 turbo head a few weeks ago following a premonition involving decrees from the allmighty and plunging s/h values. Unfortuately the poor fellow who I sold it to is now in line for a good ol fashioned smiting for daring to suggest his car goes better after the swap.
Of course I do have a most excellent example of the superior gen 2 head, that you're welcome to measure. It's for sale if you want it; given the above decree I might consider a swap for your orchard :lol:. I also have a ported gen 3 NA head but since this is only good for a measly 450hp I doubt you'd be interested, and as you note, it's not the same as the turbo head :roll:.
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Re: throttle bodies

Postby anthonym » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:50 am

Celica RA45 wrote:that pic with the fwd beams head have motec throttles on it ,its a pic of my 1st head way back in 99 .bill is using some short after market 1s the TRD inlet with quads are 45 mm black top 1s .my altezza motor is using 47mm 1s at the moment and im in motion of casting up some to go to 50mm ,or 48mm or 45 they will be a complete copy of the 20valves 1s still havnt worked out any prices as of yet ,so please dont hassle me on these

Thanks for that, do you know where Bill got his? And why do you want to go bigger?
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Postby anthonym » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:51 am

matt dunn wrote:Not 100% sure but the look exactly the same as the ones dad has put on his GT40.

Dads got his off Brad Jones V8 Supercar team when he was working with them in Oz.


thanks for that, hmmm V8 supercar . . . sounds expensive 8O
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Postby RedMist » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:16 pm

anthonym wrote:[. It's for sale if you want it; given the above decree I might consider a swap for your orchard

I just hope it's not in apples. Otherwise Anthonym I think you just made a considerable loss.
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Postby fivebob » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:58 pm

anthonym wrote:
fivebob wrote:Ooops seems I've taken another tangent :oops: May as well add another. Have you by chance got a Gen III head lurking around that I could measure up, of course it needs to be turbo coz everyone knows the NA heads are different :wink:

Sadly no. I sold my spare gen 3 turbo head a few weeks ago following a premonition involving decrees from the allmighty and plunging s/h values. Unfortuately the poor fellow who I sold it to is now in line for a good ol fashioned smiting for daring to suggest his car goes better after the swap.

Sacrelige I say, going over to the dark side and reaping the benefits of devil worship :twisted: What's the world coming to when people don't even believe the conclusive proof placed before them on the altar of MR2OC.com ;)

Next thing you know people with near standard Gen III's will be dynoing 320HP on that inferior CT20B, whilst the pure and chosen ones will have to put up with only 227HP from a much modified Gen II, built by the almighty himself, and running the wonderous CT27. Dark days are ahead for the world I tell you, The End Is Nigh...

Of course I do have a most excellent example of the superior gen 2 head, that you're welcome to measure. It's for sale if you want it; given the above decree I might consider a swap for your orchard :lol:.

Such a bargin, but how could I be so cruel as to deprive you of such a religious relic, surely you must want to keep it as a family heirloom... Must resist...must...resist...must... oh hang on I think I got one of those anyway, now where did I put it...in the pile of extremely useful 3S-GTE stuff... No, not there...in the pile of not so useful 3S-GTE stuff... No, not there either...in the pile of useless 3S-GTE bits... No, only a CT26 there....where could it be???? Ah I know it's in the chain locker on my boat, I'll have to rush down to the chandlers tomorrow and buy a new anchor to replace it, then I can truly experience raw horsepower as the almighty intended it :wink:
I also have a ported gen 3 NA head but since this is only good for a measly 450hp I doubt you'd be interested, and as you note, it's not the same as the turbo head :roll:.

I'm afraid I shall have to decline as it hasn't had hands laid upon it by the one true porter of the order of 3S-GTEs :P

On a more serious note, what differences, apart from the smaller injector bosses (if it has those), does the Gen III NA have. I assume the porting would be the same, or is it?
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:04 am

anthonym wrote:thanks for that, hmmm V8 supercar . . . sounds expensive 8O

They are probably very expensive, as the only other ones I've seen like that are on the spare motor of this Ferrari hillclimb car (pic at bottom of page).

At the risk of starting another Pasta tangent to this Rice thread, if I hadn't already spent this quarters play money I would have been seriously tempted by this car, compliancing may be a bitch though :twisted:
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:10 am

vvega wrote:i do have to ask how dose a flow bench show flow quality ;D
im taking your talking tumble and swirl :D

Not sure, and searching hasn't revealed any answers. IME any probe used to measure velocity/pressure will affect the results, so unless some sort of infrared, or other non invasive sensor was used, the results would be suspect.

I would doubt that tumble would be present in the ports, as that would restrict flow, and AFAIK is only desirable once the charge enters the cylinder.
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Postby fivebob » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:12 am

RedMist wrote:
anthonym wrote:[. It's for sale if you want it; given the above decree I might consider a swap for your orchard

I just hope it's not in apples. Otherwise Anthonym I think you just made a considerable loss.

Nah, I'll leave that worthless crop to the mainlanders :P My orchard is Kiwifruit & Avocados, but the main crop I'm cultivating is lifestyle blocks :wink:
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Postby anthonym » Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:40 am

fivebob wrote:
I also have a ported gen 3 NA head but since this is only good for a measly 450hp I doubt you'd be interested, and as you note, it's not the same as the turbo head :roll:.

I'm afraid I shall have to decline as it hasn't had hands laid upon it by the one true porter of the order of 3S-GTEs :P

On a more serious note, what differences, apart from the smaller injector bosses (if it has those), does the Gen III NA have. I assume the porting would be the same, or is it?

I've had a look, and the injector bosses are definitely smaller, it's is a bit of an akward position so I can't measure. I suspect the Caldina may be different again.
Apart from that there is no provision for the throttle body stay and the drain from the O/A separator is deleted.
I can't say for sure that the internal porting is identical, but I'm 99% sure that it is. The port openings/spacings and manifold stud patterns are identical.

Off on another tangent, I may have found some differences between the Altezza (RWD) block and the transverse blocks that will be of particular interest, but I need to check against my spare block collection (which is not here at present) to confirm.

In the meantime I can confirm that the casting at the front end has been changed to acommodate a larger oil pump relative to the gen 3 NA and turbo, redtop 3SGE, and presumably Caldina?

The strengthening modification at the top front corner is also present.
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