soarer v8 stock exhaust system

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Postby UZZ30 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:06 pm

Silent Knight wrote:This whole friggen thread everyone has made lots of relevant posts about the Soarer mufflers and headers and trying to give you some decent advice.

Your not going to get far with the 'I know everyone and you don't' attitude of yours...

yeah there have been some good relevant post but lately the post are irelevant! thats what i ment....

Im not trying to have a bad attitude or anything... it may seem that way tho.. oh well... :roll:
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Postby Mr.Phreak » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:07 pm

RomanV wrote:I couldnt beleive it when I first saw a set of factory 1UZ headers. :?

Heh, I'm sure they just used inlet pleniums from their shelves.
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Postby Silent Knight » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:15 pm head hurts now.

It's like banging your head straight into a brick wall. :?
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Postby UZZ30 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:17 pm

Silent Knight head hurts now.

It's like banging your head straight into a brick wall. :?

me to, maybe for different reasons tho :P
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Postby fuel » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:18 pm

It's interesting how you've made a dozen or so threads dedicated to this V8 Soarer, which you don't even have.
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Postby dohca » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:19 pm

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Postby UZZ30 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:23 pm

fuel wrote:It's interesting how you've made a dozen or so threads dedicated to this V8 Soarer, which you don't even have.

wow your a good observer..... ever though i like soarers thats why i make posts!? anyway Ill have the soarer by the end of the month.
Ok? you wait and see :P
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Postby V8MOFO » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:36 pm

fuel wrote:It's interesting how you've made a dozen or so threads dedicated to this V8 Soarer, which you don't even have.

Its posts like this that lead threads to go off topic. Very irrelivant :roll:

This is a discussion about soarer mufflers.
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Postby Akane » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:43 pm

RomanV wrote:Reminds me of a lot of amusing threads involving new posters, 3sgte's, and AnthonyM's amusingly cutting remarks. :twisted:

Well the yanks just got 310rwhp with the CT26, the day they make the 400mark @ crank is the day both Anthony and fivebob owe me an apology :twisted:

But hey, we all start somewhere, and this soarer kid reminds me of myself 5 years ago........ ahhhh youth.....
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Postby UZZ30 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:51 pm

RomanV wrote:You see the thing is, that many people here own soarers, 1uzs, etc....
And have a lot of interest in them. So they know what they are talking about

yes, thats right. And i do also know what they are talking about as a few people i know have a soarer and ive observed work done on the exhaust system of it etc. Thats why im buying a soarer of my own. I have a huge amount of interest in them.. k? hope that clears some stuff up about this matter...... :roll:
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:07 am

HRT wrote:You do realise that N/A engines do like a little backpressure dont you? I can just imagine it ending up with twin 5 inch systems and sounding like a tractor

twin 5 inch systems? :roll: ok well thats not going to happen it will have a 2.5" dual system.. which is fine for back pressure, maybe the largest you would go, but by doing this it leaves room for further peformance upgrades with out needing to do anything further to the exhaust later on.

Ive seen two examples of 2.5" dual systems and they work great with maximum power gains! :D
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Postby vvega » Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:35 am

UZZ30 wrote:
HRT wrote:You do realise that N/A engines do like a little backpressure dont you? I can just imagine it ending up with twin 5 inch systems and sounding like a tractor

twin 5 inch systems? :roll: ok well thats not going to happen it will have a 2.5" dual system.. which is fine for back pressure, maybe the largest you would go, but by doing this it leaves room for further peformance upgrades with out needing to do anything further to the exhaust later on.

Ive seen two examples of 2.5" dual systems and they work great with maximum power gains! :D

and you would have dyno sheets to prove this or is it just the fact they robbed all the midrange power they felt faster
thats why people in the know dont use butt dynos they know its the most useless tool to tell you if your making more power

so untill you have attuall figures to back yp your claims instead or some half backed graph made by a guy that likes his car and is not a enginner or a trade mechanic i think ill stop tring to help

its so funny ive never seen anyone owned by there own ignorance like you before


Postby Adamal » Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:55 am

On a 2 litre 4 cylinder N/A motor, you wouldn't want to go over 2.25", and a 1UZ could be the equivelent of 2 x 2 litre 4 cylinder motors.
2.5" for each bank is a bit big... You're talking turbo terratory there.
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Postby Punter » Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:18 am

UZZ30 wrote:hmm ok, this has been pretty pointless this thread, all i get is stupid replies from people that like to show their arrogance... :roll: :lol:

Said it yourself pretty pointsless... what did you expect you didn't ask a question.
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Postby mr pad » Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:39 am

dohca wrote:k

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:47 am

vvega wrote:and you would have dyno sheets to prove this or is it just the fact they robbed all the midrange power they felt faster
thats why people in the know dont use butt dynos they know its the most useless tool to tell you if your making more power

so untill you have attuall figures to back yp your claims instead or some half backed graph made by a guy that likes his car and is not a enginner or a trade mechanic i think ill stop tring to help

its so funny ive never seen anyone owned by there own ignorance like you before

yes ill eventually have dyno sheets to prove all this. And for the rest of what your saying, great you think that.
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Postby UZZ30 » Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:04 pm

Adamal wrote:On a 2 litre 4 cylinder N/A motor, you wouldn't want to go over 2.25", and a 1UZ could be the equivelent of 2 x 2 litre 4 cylinder motors.
2.5" for each bank is a bit big... You're talking turbo terratory there.

yes thats true. A 2.5 inch twin system is the biggest you will ever need.. but it allows no more work needing done to the exhaust system for future mods such as a supercharger... I guess any bigger than 2.5" and you would lose torque in low revs. ive seen a full 2.5 inch system with an xpipe in the middle on a soarer workin fine, sounded great and the 3 or so guys that also did it were happy. There dynos showed good results.

But a dual 2.25 inch system would aslo be fine...
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Postby JT » Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:06 pm

UZZ30 wrote:yes ill eventually have dyno sheets to prove all this. And for the rest of what your saying, great you think that.

Till then this thread shall be no more.

Do a dyno run when you first get the car, record everything about the car like tyre pressure etc so you can do a compare run when you replace the mufflers and piping plus another one when you do the headers...

We await the results eagerly, I wonder if fivebob will put up another magazine subscription :lol:
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