Go or Show?

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Looks or Performance

Total votes : 61

Go or Show?

Postby Stu- » Thu Jul 04, 2002 10:53 pm

Here's a goodie thats bound to start a debate.

Ive seen many a car thats got all the gizmos and gadgets but goes like a wet blanket. And I've seen some sleepy as cars that haul ass.


Performance over Looks or
Looks over Performance
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Postby dragonx » Thu Jul 04, 2002 11:44 pm

give me go any day!
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Postby EVLGTZ » Fri Jul 05, 2002 9:30 am

Go b4 show for sure but within reason.

I used to have the GO car and was great but by not lookin fast, felt had to prove myself against the better looking cars and in doing so raced alot and got some fines...no license. Then get license back and get a car that looks better than it goes....now I'm after the Go to match or even outweigh the show!

But really who wants a mean looking 1300 carby job hehehe

Bring on the boost!

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Postby BlackMR2 » Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:24 am

I want it all, performance but nothing earth shattering and just a stylish looking car nothing too rice
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Postby ae85 wgtn » Fri Jul 05, 2002 12:13 pm

I don't care about having nice 17s, huge kit etc. But it's nice to have decent looking paint and wheels that fill the guards and some generous lowerage and tintage. Apart from that go is a lot more important to me. Exactly why I'd never spend more than a few hundy on stereo etc.
so yeah... go it is!
20v ae85 :)
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Postby Stupra » Fri Jul 05, 2002 8:25 pm

yep definately go before show. Who wants to have a car that looks good to everyone else on the streets anyway, $&#$% the public i hate people steering at my car. Some people go way overboard with crappy kits and flashy neon lights and crap. And whats the point if you dont really like driving it that much anyway. As long as its got mags and lowered and tidy thats good enough for me and as long as theres a few hundred horsepower under the hood then im happy.
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Postby rxtoy » Fri Jul 05, 2002 10:59 pm

the fact that every time i see a evo3 kitted lancer i try not to laugh should help to show that go comes first, if you've got a nice looking car you should be able to back that up with a good set of brakes and a cranking engine, also great to see that so far all votes are for go, shows i'm reading the right forum.

no rice here please....
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Postby Cyclone21 » Sat Jul 06, 2002 2:26 am

14 votes for go, 0 votes for show lol nice :)
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stop staring at my car

Postby BREGIZ » Sat Jul 06, 2002 2:32 pm

yeah stue.. dont u hate it when u talking to people and the look at your car instead of your face.. dirty bastards..
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I choose show over go

Postby APEX » Thu Jul 11, 2002 11:26 am

I choose show over go
nnot because i dont wanna car than can roll up everyone else and smoke em, id love that
but with the money i earn the closest thing i can get to the cover of Performance car would be something that looks good
cos show seams to be a bit cheaper than go (for someone with no connections of course)
that and i can never afford to have my car off the road while shit being done to the engine
so gimme a K&N, Exhaust system thats amply for me engine wise
but wheels, suspension, kit and paint, gauges, and strereo r 1st on my list
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Postby Silvertop » Fri Jul 12, 2002 9:31 am

NZHondas have a the same poll. Have a read, the results are quite mixed...
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Postby MRGTTURBO » Tue Jul 16, 2002 10:34 pm

i agree with go cos say that ur've got a fully kitted non- turbo starlet ok and u will be crusing around town and a gt four pulls up beside u or something and drags u then once u have lost to it everyone will know that ur car is bogged slow, cos when ur in town most ppl think that cars with mags and kit a fast.
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Postby LUMIN8 » Thu Jul 18, 2002 12:34 am

wheres the half n hlaf choice?
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Postby toylet gt » Wed Aug 07, 2002 4:30 pm

a couple of months ago i would have said go but now that yo cannever get a race on the street (dont know what its like in other parts of the country but this is definitely true for chch) or even someone to drag off from the lights id rather go for a kit and mags rather than a big turbo and a heap of internal work i can hear the laughter and rice calls already but whats the point in being fast if you cant use it yes you can go to the track but their arent that many drag days and where do you do most of your driving- on the street usually in town at least you get recognition if your car looks cool plus you dont get fined for showing off your paint,sounds,chromies etc but you can lose your license if you try to show off your speed.
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Postby Rob » Fri Sep 06, 2002 1:40 pm

Screw having a car that looks the shit but goes as if its a piece of shit. I'm in the go and wow before show.

If grandmas barina can pass you then your wasting everyones time!

The faster you go the less time your on the road to have an accident
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Postby diss7 » Fri Sep 06, 2002 2:28 pm

"say that ur've got a fully kitted non- turbo starlet ok and u will be crusing around town and a gt four pulls up beside u or something and drags u then once u have lost to it everyone will know that ur car is bogged slow, "

even with a turbo starlet you're going to be owned by a gt-four :P

Postby toylet gt » Sat Sep 07, 2002 2:33 pm

oh really how fats is the quickest gt4 in newzealand cos i know of 2 or 3 starlets which are in the mid-high 11 second bracket :lol:
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Postby PRYMORTAL » Sun Sep 08, 2002 11:59 pm

Hey toylet GT THIS is chch u do get fined for haveign a nice looking car the police down here r corupt frome experiance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! saying that they even do 1/2 there work is a understatement!!
my brother got fined for driveing my car when a cop shoved him threw a orange light... and them said my brother was speed which he wasn't and all that coz i had nice exhuasts........

and i can go on about my mates car his car was legal hight for lowering and his body kit made it look lower he got a fine coz his car looks nicer than there holden and is legal and he had to pay it and both accounts these people wrote to the police saying they where wrongfully done and where told nope u have to pay the fine!

JUST letting u know u have more chance getting off a fine for raceing than looks!!!!!!
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Postby diss7 » Wed Sep 11, 2002 9:23 am

toylet gt wrote:oh really how fats is the quickest gt4 in newzealand cos i know of 2 or 3 starlets which are in the mid-high 11 second bracket :lol:

doesn't quest 4's starlet (the quickest starlet) have a gt4 motor tho :?:

Postby EVLGTZ » Wed Sep 11, 2002 11:57 am

Hmm I hadnt heard of any starlets in the mid 11's. I know dwaynes one (BOOOST) did an 11.88 which was only marginally quicker than the old quest 4 one which did 11.9.

What quicker starlets are out there in NZ?

Oh yeah dissident, Quest 4 starlet is still undergoing conversion of that engine from the gt4 so it hasn't run yet and wont be for a while so its old time was on the 1300cc.

Also, in my opinion go b4 show anyday! Just cuz you have the power, doesnt mean you have to use it everywhere ya go. use ya head people.

Ex 4AGTE AE101 Levin - 13.3@173km/hr
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