What does semi-forged really mean?

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Postby Fraud » Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:26 pm

Ok, I have minimal if any knowledge of this topic, BUT, seeing I have GTR pistons which have been named 'Semi-forged' I had a couple of questions.

1) My original pistons-the edges where not as sharp around the valve dents as the GTR ones, I have been lead to believe they were forged after market ones. The less sharp (sorry bad eng) the face of the pistons are, the less detonation occurs?

2) Would it have been possible, that my cast BPT pistons had a better set up than my GTR ones that I purchased from Mazda?

And aside from my motor, and pistons for that fact, are forged rods better than cast ones for high revving engines?

Cheers oh knowledgable ones!
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