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Postby Psycho_Dad » Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:01 pm

vvega is correct, i mean i could set up any car so it is 'undesirable' to steal... ofcourse they wont know this untill they try

personally i intend on mantrapping my vehicle to the hilt... the way i see it is they are deliberately wronging me, why not teach them a bit of negative reinforcement?

court doesnt bother me, if i killed someone who was trying to steal my car, id sleep easy, even if i was in prison... atleast they cant contaminate society any more

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Postby DRFTIN » Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:23 am

All_Fours wrote:I have used a technique for preventing my good cars from being stolen for years, and it hasn't failed once.

The trick is, you never drive the car for more than a month or so before completely removing the engine and taking it off the road/making it undrivable for atleast 6 months.

yeah that works for me too, my cars are never going :P

and if someone looked up the LTSA to try and find my address they would end up at the wrong place anyway :wink:
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Postby Boosted_162 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:26 am

All_Fours wrote:I have used a technique for preventing my good cars from being stolen for years, and it hasn't failed once.

The trick is, you never drive the car for more than a month or so before completely removing the engine and taking it off the road/making it undrivable for atleast 6 months.

I can vouch for that, the ST185 and SW11 are in many, many pieces :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby RomanV » Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:54 am

vvega wrote:there is always something you can do the question is how far do you go.....


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Postby geishaboy » Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:20 am

Boondock Saints

And also

8O :!:

The thought never really crossed my mind, I guess I have too much faith in humanity. It really does seem like a good way to go about it (so to speak), although every action has a reaction. If your car gets stolen, and you suspect a certain person of it, and it is found that the said person was lurking Toyspeed and viewing your profile and such, that would probably be enough to land them in hot water. Or not, I don't really know how our legal system works.
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Postby BlakJak » Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:57 am

A lovely thought, but the crim you want to dodge is the one you don't suspect at all.
Note that the TS forums and profiles are all viewable by users who are not logged in, theres going to be no recourse there.

A reason why I wipe my rego's and I never post my home address online. And that I don't have a p-plate. ;-)
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Postby snwtoy » Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:08 am

Ako wrote:Then of course, there's the aspect of -

Never enter your car in a show.
Never drag race it legally - the one doing 12's is more likely to be picked on than the slow ones, regardless of how secretive the owner is about how it got that fast.
Never get a magazine article done.

I don't subscribe to that theory. I refuse to let the darker elements in society dictate what I can and cannot do with my car.

With common sense, a good alarm(s), and insurance, you should have little trouble.
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Postby Ako » Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:19 am

Dude, I was being sarcastic.

All my cars have p/plates, I race them at any opportunity and anyone is free to look over them as much as they want. Everyone takes steps to stop stuff happening, what I said was just in reference to not advertising on forums - its only a part of the puzzle.

Chances of any of them ever seeing a magazine page is somewhat more slim though - think the only mention I've ever had was in ignition - and that was for breaking :lol:
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Postby snwtoy » Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:27 pm

Ako wrote:Dude, I was being sarcastic.

Heh, I know, but more and more people are actually thinking that way, which is really sad..
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Postby matt dunn » Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:44 am

EVL20V wrote:yea toyotas arnt worth stealing :lol:

they go 4 the vtecs au! 8)

That's because Honda parts crap out more often.

A Vtec Distributor is worth more than a whole 4AGE !!
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Postby Urban-Cruiser » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:34 pm

I remember a few years in the states that had over 200 cars stolen within a month off one car forum. It ended up being the admin and one of his moderators that did the jobs and a few of their friends. The way they did it was they had a contact list that people sent their info to them via pming; phone numbers, address, car details.... The club had been going for some years, so they had a good following, and knew their members (victims) well. All up, if memory serves me well, the theives were connected to over 700 cars over the years the club was going.

Of course I'm sure I know who the best cars in the club. :lol:
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Sounds like a womans weekly thread going by the comments."

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Postby Mad Murphy » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:47 pm

I don't have to worry too much, who the hell is gonna wanna steal an AW11 or a crappy Corona? I keep the AW in the garage which is locked anyway.
1989 Supercharged AW11, 1981 Sprinter GT, 1991 Primera s**tmobile.

Facelift AW11 Parts Wanted!
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