Just to clarify the expectations that Toyspeed have of people who use their Buy/Sell forums.
No businesses are to post For Sale information on the forum unless they sponsor the club. The exception to this is forum users who contribute proactively to the wealth of content on the board.
- We recognise that this forum draws a lot of its traffic from people who are either selling personal items or looking for particular items for their cars. We're happy to provide this service at no cost to members but expect all participants to bear in mind the Toyspeed Forum rules and disclaimer the same as any other TS event.
Please avoid 'Expressions of Interest' posts. You're either selling, or you're not - an EoI post needs to have some significant reason behind it to be acceptable. Think carefully before posting.
Sellers should make clear in their posts:
* What they're selling - make/model/variant
* What their price expectation is
* Where they are located! (important!)
* How to contact them. PM/Email/Phone or whatever.
Sellers should also set the forum to notify them as people respond to their thread. This requires you to have a valid email address in your Toyspeed forum profile.
Don't bump your threads 'excessively' if people are interested in what you're selling they will PM you or post in the thread. Bumping a thread once a day for example is excessive.
- Show some respect for the people posting, as you may wish that respect to be reciprocated when YOU sell something.
Don't spam peoples threads. Genuine enquiries or expressions of interest are OK - but anything else - don't post.
Dont Hi-jack peoples for sale threads offering the same/similar product. Make your own Ad and Leave them to sell their wares.
Don't make abusive comments about someones expectations. If you think someone is asking too much, say so - in a respectful fashion. You're entitled to your opinion - so are they - you don't need to agree. If its too expensive, noone will make an offer...
If you notice a thread on here going awry, or someone breaking these guidelines, PM a Moderator. We'll take care of it.
These rules are dynamic and subject to change, as the Mods identify things that should be clarified. The overall theme however, is 'annoy as few people as possible' and by extension 'show respect for other forum users'. Thanks for your time and understanding