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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:53 pm

muff|n wrote:But traffic offences isn't what the Police are all about, anyone think it might be benificial for seperate Police/Traffic Control forces?

they were seperate and then they joined...
maybe you are too young to remember?
theres benefits in having joined forces and then theres benefits of being segregated.
Last edited by Santa'sBoostinSleigh on Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby FrEsH » Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:13 pm

VR-4Squid wrote:
FrEsH wrote:will i lose much power jsut jamming a silencer in my RPS? :(

it will almost certainly make less power than with stock exhaust.

if you've got the demerits and $$ to spare, it doesn't really matter anyway. (just like speeding) so get a good job, make lots of money, and do what the hell you like.

Amnd as i said last nite, the fine is the same whether it's a tad noisy, or bordering on painfull. So you may as well just run straight pipe :lol:

haha i wish, im a student :| i can hardly even afford hte silencer let alone $250 fine....sigh oh well looks like i gotta get one and jsut take it out at hte drags :)
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Postby StuartM » Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:29 pm

Hey Toyspeed forumers,
I think this proposed law is lame! I will be disobeying this law voluntarily, within reason, and I call you all to do the same. (Anyone here remember the broadcasting-fee? civil disobedience can change the law; dispute the fine, plead not-guilty and clog up the courts.)

Being a responsible young adult with a performance car should not be a crime! The fact that modern cars are so cheap and fast is not our fault and it would be criminal not to enjoy ourselves and our cars!

Even before this law came into effect I have experienced first-hand police prejudice, racism, even assault but here's a story for you;
Last year I cruised through a New Brightion round-a-bout at 30kph max in my Starlet, slowing down, indicating, etc and some stupid constable decided to hassle me, popped a u-turn and pulled me over. The first thing he did was yell/scream at me telling me I was going way too fast and that my car was illegally modified. He wouldn't stop yelling at me either. I told him I was going 30kph and my car was legitmately modified but he kept on yelling and being a c**t. Still saying I was going too fast!! (I dont think he really had a clue) Anyway, he let me go, but still thinking I was speeding or whatever. One week later I was watching the news on telly, and I saw that wanker being interviewed outside the chch court because he had crashed his police car on duty going 100+kph through an intersection and wrote of someone's WRX!!

Karma works.. if you can not throw glass bottles out of cars, drive safely and have fun in your car the right way you have well earned your right to a sporty muffler. and lastly, $&#$% THE POLICE!
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:53 pm

StuartM, what the hell are you talking about?
just dont have a stupidly loud exhaust and you'll be fine...
and clogging up courts is just going to cost the taxpayer and delay real court cases such as putting theifing scum behind bars

you can diobey the law as much as you want, it will be your wallet and licence that feel the burn.
Toyspeed does not need bad publicity, so if you are going to be a d*ck about it, dont involve us!
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Postby bad20v » Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:08 pm

:cry: I put my silencer in last night :cry:

:x It's too bl#@dy quiet!!! :x
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Postby muff|n » Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:16 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:
muff|n wrote:But traffic offences isn't what the Police are all about, anyone think it might be benificial for seperate Police/Traffic Control forces?

they were seperate and then they joined...
maybe you are too young to remember?
theres benefits in having joined forces and then theres benefits of being segregated.

I'm 20.. Maybe, when did this happen?

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Haha!! Caught ya!!
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:19 pm

muff|n wrote:I'm 20.. Maybe, when did this happen?

you must have a sh*t memory, wasnt that long ago!!!!
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Postby StuartM » Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:23 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:StuartM, what the hell are you talking about?
just dont have a stupidly loud exhaust and you'll be fine...

well that must've gone straight over your head, you see I dont have a stupidly loud exhaust yet the police still target me.

Im sure I'm not the only one who has had a bad run-in with the cops and there will only be more people like me as the police now have powers that encourage prejudice.

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:Toyspeed does not need bad publicity

You clearly missed the point here. If you dont want to stick up for your rights you might aswell suck your thumb and pay the fine, I am disputing mine because I think the law is wrong, not to cause trouble.
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:38 pm

StuartM wrote:I dont have a stupidly loud exhaust yet the police still target me.

Im sure I'm not the only one who has had a bad run-in with the cops and there will only be more people like me as the police now have powers that encourage prejudice.

care to post a pic of your car to see if it 'looks' like it would be a target by the 5-oh?
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Postby CozmoNz » Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:43 pm

bad20v wrote::cry: I put my silencer in last night :cry:

:x It's too bl#@dy quiet!!! :x

just wait until you take it back out, youll be scared that its to loud :P
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Postby StuartM » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:13 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:care to post a pic of your car to see if it 'looks' like it would be a target by the 5-oh?

no, i dont care what you think of my car.
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Postby Santa'sBoostinSleigh » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:29 pm

so in other words its a boganed out old starlet that craves police attention?? ;) :)
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Postby Mr Revhead » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:29 pm

what about me?

i know ppl who think their car isnt stupidly loud.... yet it rattles windows at 100 metres.... individual percerption.
and thats why the law SUCKS

hell even the ppl who wanted it in place say theyv done it the wrong way
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Postby StuartM » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:35 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:so in other words its a boganed out old starlet that craves police attention?? ;) :)

no, it isn't. I love old Toyotas too much to 'bogan it out' or whatever.

people everywhere, bogan or not, are at risk of being fined because of this law. All that stands between you and a fine is whether or not the cop likes your car's appearance, and that is wrong.
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Postby bad20v » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:38 pm

The thing is that they are not just targeting vehicles with overly loud exhaust systems, you can also be done for excessive intake and wastegate noise. I was talking to a Hotrod guy at lunchtime today and he said he was pulled over yesterday coz the whine of the supercharger on his 46' coupe was deemed too loud to one cop. I would also say that even a vehicle like his, which has a stroked 350, at idle or at low revs can be deemed by some people to be too loud. :?

I reakon it should be a standardised measurement, not just someones opinion of loudness!!

What happens if the cop has a bad hangover.... then almost every car going past is stuffed!!!
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Postby FrEsH » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:06 pm

bad20v wrote:The thing is that they are not just targeting vehicles with overly loud exhaust systems, you can also be done for excessive intake and wastegate noise. I was talking to a Hotrod guy at lunchtime today and he said he was pulled over yesterday coz the whine of the supercharger on his 46' coupe was deemed too loud to one cop. I would also say that even a vehicle like his, which has a stroked 350, at idle or at low revs can be deemed by some people to be too loud. :?

I reakon it should be a standardised measurement, not just someones opinion of loudness!!

What happens if the cop has a bad hangover.... then almost every car going past is stuffed!!!

I think we can ALL agree that there needs to be a standardised limit eg. XX dB .... now we jsut have to convince the people making the laws :|
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Postby fangsport » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:41 pm

Santa'sBoostinSleigh wrote:
muff|n wrote:I'm 20.. Maybe, when did this happen?

you must have a sh*t memory, wasnt that long ago!!!!
wanna bet?? Muffin would have been all of 7-8 when the merge went through. i was driving furniture trucks until i was 21, and the merge was in the middle of my time in that job.
I've been a bad bad boy. I should read the rules and behave before I get spanked by an admin

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Postby CozmoNz » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:54 pm

FrEsH wrote:
bad20v wrote:The thing is that they are not just targeting vehicles with overly loud exhaust systems, you can also be done for excessive intake and wastegate noise. I was talking to a Hotrod guy at lunchtime today and he said he was pulled over yesterday coz the whine of the supercharger on his 46' coupe was deemed too loud to one cop. I would also say that even a vehicle like his, which has a stroked 350, at idle or at low revs can be deemed by some people to be too loud. :?

I reakon it should be a standardised measurement, not just someones opinion of loudness!!

What happens if the cop has a bad hangover.... then almost every car going past is stuffed!!!

I think we can ALL agree that there needs to be a standardised limit eg. XX dB .... now we jsut have to convince the people making the laws :|

but dosnt the frequency come in then? and things that sound deeper fail far to easily in comparasion to little 4 cylinders that make bad bad noises?
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Postby FrEsH » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:59 pm

i'd say its still a LOT fairer than officers discretion as it is now..wouldn't you?
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Postby Si » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:59 pm

lots of science and other random bullshit.

me personaly i have little faith in the poilce, they fail to do the most basic of jobs and the publics trust in them has dropped dramatically.

so what do they do for a bit of publicity?

get tough on <insert unliked group of people here>.

3 more cops on the road is 3 less cops dealing to 111 calls.
3 less cops on the road is 3times less hassel for <insert unliked type of people here>
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