You would think a lesson would have been learnt?

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Postby pc » Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:46 pm

A lot of assumptions there. I don't know any people who are involved with it, I don't know any details about the accident (other than someone was killed and 3 people are facing manslaughter charges).

Your assumptions are highlighting my point... (unless you know more than what can be read in the paper)

If someone stepped in front of my car while I was driving in the city and died I would hope that everyone didn't assume that I was speeding and therefore should go to jail. Likewise I wont assume the 3 on charges could have avoided the situation... It may have been them at fault tho.
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Postby fivebob » Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:54 pm

There's a big difference between speeding and killing someone, and doing a blatantly illegal act and killing someone (provided you're not grossly exceeding the speed limit).

The police have the option of charging the drivers (yes all of them are at fault, not just the one that hit the innocent victim), with Dangerous Driving causing Death or Manslaughter. They (IMHO) rightfully chose Manslaughter in this case, probably with a backup charge of Dangerous Driving causing Death. Either charge can, and in this case should, result in jail time.
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Postby NZ_AE86 » Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:06 pm

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Postby fivebob » Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:37 pm

NZ_AE86 wrote:Jaywalking?

Not really relevant to the charge. Even if she was jaywalking (and no evidence has been produced yet to substantiate that), it's quite possible that under normal circumstances she would have had enough time to cross the road, or the vehicle would have been able to stop in time.

Such factors could be taken into account when the sentence in decided, and may possibly be a mitigating factor, but leaving the scene of an accident and failing to render assistance pretty much admits guilt.

They're lucky NZ laws aren't that strict, in some countries they could be charged with murder 8O due to a death being caused while involved in a criminal act.
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Postby NZ_AE86 » Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:19 pm

As I was not there I am only making a guess but I would say that the car that was supposed to have hit her would have struggled to be doing 50kph from the set of lights to the crash location.
If they were drag racing then they should be 'done' for this.
In my view the charge is a little harsh but I am sure there is more to it then we all know as the police will never release all their info.
Leaving the scene is very serious. As far as we know the two vehicles that left the scene may not have been aware of the accident that had occured, although they may have been quite aware also.
As far as I know she had been drinking and was talking on her phone at the time she crossed the road. The point at which she crossed was very close (I am not going as far as to measure it!) to the Jaywalking distance from a marked/controlled pedestrian crossing.
I think it would be a great case to sit in on. :)
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Postby Mr XXX » Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:24 pm

if you get hit in the middle of street, how can you not be jay walking.... Unless she had some how defind the laws of physics and learnt to float, or maybe teleportation....

And the guy who hit her stopped at the scene..... so, what the hell.....
And I have yet to hear what proof there was that they were even boy racing...... as like Every witness stated that they werent racing and then one other person said they were.... so what the......

Dumb people to Dumb things. She was dumb, she got killed, end of story.
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Postby Mr XXX » Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:25 pm

and I bet you if she was on the road, and one of the cars served, and crashed, and the driver got killed, so would prolly not get charged for shit.......

I could be wrong though
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Postby NZ_AE86 » Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:11 pm

Nice 8) :lol:

edit: Just for informations sake - Jaywalking = crossing a public road within 20 metres of a controlled pedestrian crossing.
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Postby crnkin » Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:38 pm

Mr XXX wrote:and I bet you if she was on the road, and one of the cars served, and crashed, and the driver got killed, so would prolly not get charged for sh*t.......

I could be wrong though

If she was a cat no one would care. All she was was a hairy pussy after all.
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Postby 2jayzgte » Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:16 pm

I read a few posts here and some of these comment s about street racing are a absolute joke if you wanna straight see how fast you can go a controlled enviroment is the only place.Manfield opendays are the place not anywhere in public and especially not on the streets.The reason for this when your at a track you don't got to worry about factors like public stepping out in front of you cyclists and other such hazards.As for expensive well $50 it is to do a openday and another factor guess what theres no speed limit at the track so you can go as hard as you want but some of the young people of today I don't no just think a bit differently I guess but if you want to drive fast the tracks the only place for it.The other thing is as fast as you might think you drive on the street well I'll let you in on a secret it aint shit compared to how fast you can go at a track.
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Postby Leon » Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:45 pm

Just to clear it up ... Manfeild open days don't exist, because mindless $&#$% liked to put five people in a Mitsubishi Cordia around the track, and take the springs out of vans.

Now they run a CONTROLLED PERMITTED event, with safety and regulations in place.
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