My workmate Anna and I are doing a photoshoot this Saturday for our MR2's and we've decided that we'll make it open to anyone who has a tidy MR2 (doesn't matter if it's Mk 1/2/3), the more variety the better.
Everyone who comes along will get a cd of photos as well as being able to get cheap enlargements from 5x7 up to 10X15in size if they're interested.
What: MR2 Photoshoot
Where: Meeting at the far end of the Esplanade (down by the hill) in Sumner then driving over the hill round Lyttleton harbour and on to Diamond Harbour.
When: Saturday Morning 10.30am 9/12/06
Who: Anyone with a tidy MR2.
Contact: Ring or TXT me on 027 2543957 or email/msn
Photoshoot will be postponed if it's raining or generally a bad day.
Please just make sure your car is clean, no one wants photos of a dirty car. We'll be using the photos as part of our portfolios, photos of your cars won't be published for profit without your written permission.