Toyspeed profiles revamp / Project area.

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Toyspeed profiles revamp / Project area.

Postby Adydas » Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:35 pm

Much discussion between the mod squad ends up getting us nowhere, not untill now without some input from you guys, So check this ( one of many ideas out ) and let us know what you think.

Much request has been seen for a project area, an idea thats been raised was for somthing slightly off base, a bit more advanced than the current profiles area. this idea may require some cost from anyone wanting an account to cover costs for hosting images you can put there etc.

You would gain access to upload your own personal website, edit change and customize all you want.

Costing ideas are miles away, its really the concept of having your own bit of webspace to allow you to show off your ride, explain your project etc.

Possibly somthing like $20 with enough space for 1-3 photos and some html allowing explainations of project work etc, You would have your own ftp access allowing you to customize and change any time you feel like it.
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Postby sergei » Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:04 pm

This is a very great idea!!!!
I, for one welcome our new profile overlords^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H idea!
On serious note, I think this will separate "VIP" spammers (like me) from noobs. I was contemplating of making a website about my mucking arround with toyotas but never got to it as I hate html/css. But if it will have an easy to use template, and it does not matter if it will not support lots/any images, photobucket is our friend in this department...
I would be happy to pay $25-75 per year for this "service"...
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Postby snwtoy » Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:05 pm

It's a good idea, and I would visit the users' sites (although not use it myself).. but 3 photos? :?

How about a projects section along the lines of that at oldskool, where only the thread starter can reply. And maybe add the facility to attach pics to posts in that forum only or something?
Last edited by snwtoy on Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sergei » Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:08 pm

snwtoy wrote:It's a good idea, and I would visit the users' sites (although not use it myself).. but 3 photos? :?

photobucket/imagesak etc. is a solution to that problem ;)
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Postby snwtoy » Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:09 pm

sergei wrote:
snwtoy wrote:It's a good idea, and I would visit the users' sites (although not use it myself).. but 3 photos? :?

photobucket/imagesak etc. is a solution to that problem ;)

Providing users know how to write html code.. hrm.. I can see it looking a bit tacky unless there were templates to use..
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Postby sergei » Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:13 pm

It should have a template with similar controls in this board, so some one not computer savvy would just point and click, with option for some one more l33t to insert html code.. I does not have to be very pretty -> this is not myspace, just practical easy to read.
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Postby Adydas » Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:17 pm

Its really an idea, 3-5 photos was mearly an idea it really has to be relative to $ donated as a portion has to go to cover hosting costs.

The idea is for a 12 month subscription and should come with more perks, as far as templates go its pritty basic stuff some simple markers saying EDIT HERE TO CHANGE THE BIG INFO BOX and your away.

Dont worry snwtoy the idea your suggesting is on the cards just as much as this much discussion is going on to tackle all issues not all seen or even considerd by members.

It would be unrealistic to expect EVERYONE here to have one so its not the solution but for people that want some webspace for any use its a cheap solution, bit of fun and a good way for members to put some work in and get something for it that they can share with other members.
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Postby RED TOP MR 2 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:45 pm

although im too cheap/have no project and no one wants to see a picture of me changing a light bulb or putting in a headunit i would really like to have a gander at some others as there all jumbled right now.
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